General information

There are currently several types of stakeholders involved in Luxembourg's lifelong learning spectrum.

The State plays a very active role in continuing training provision as a whole. It acts in particular to enhance legislation in this area, to co-fund company investment and to facilitate the governance of the system.

The employers' professional chambers, i.e. the Chamber of Commerce (Chambre de Commerce), Chamber of Trades (Chambre des Métiers) and the Chamber of Agriculture (Chambre d'Agriculture) - and the employees' professional chambers i.e. the Chamber of Civil Servants and Public Employees (Chambre des Fonctionnaires et Employés publics) and the Chamber of Employees (Chambre des Salariés) - are also involved in shaping educational and vocational training policy through the recommendations they make.

The fundamental mission of the INFPC, a public institution under the supervision of the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth (Ministère de l’Éducation nationale, de l'Enfance et de la Jeunesse), is to promote lifelong learning within an economic network, and to unite all of the social and economic stakeholders around the common purpose of developing continuing training.

State services and administrations

Training domains Service or administration
General interest training

The Department of Adult Education (Service de la formation des adultes) is responsible for:

  • coordinating the training offered to adults through evening courses by secondary education together with the training provided by the National Institute for Languages (Institut National des Langues),
  • organising a scheme for adults which, through evening classes, provides access to the diplomas and certificates usually issued by daytime education with the exception of the vocational scheme (e.g. eBac),
  • organising and defining the content of general interest courses in areas categorised as general training and social promotion,
  • defining the programmes of general interest courses and courses run for adults.
SFA - Service de la formation des adultes (Department of Adult Education)
Ministère de l'Éducation nationale, de l'Enfance et de la Jeunesse (Ministry of Education, Children and Youth)

+352 247 85100
Vocational training

The Department of Vocational Training (Service de la formation professionnelle) is tasked with:

  • the vocational training and social and educational supervision of unemployed workers and job seekers,
  • the back to education options (DAP, CCP),
  • adult apprenticeships,
  • organisation of the final apprenticeship examinations and examinations for the Master Craftsmanship in partnership with the relevant professional chambers.
SFP - Service de la formation professionnelle (Department of Vocational Training)
Ministère de l'Éducation nationale, de l'Enfance et de la Jeunesse (Ministry of Education, Children and Youth)

Tel.: +352 247 85239
Language training

The National Institute for Languages (INLL), which is under the authority of the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth, has the following mission:

  • providing modern language courses to adults with a view to:
    • promoting plurilingualism,
    • facilitating integration and social cohesion,
    • contributing to people’s employability,
  • facilitating intercultural exchange through the practical use of the languages taught,
  • offering literacy classes.

As a national certification centre, the INLL:

  • certifies knowledge of Luxembourgish for the regulated diplomas and certificates in respect of the Luxembourgish language;
  • organises international tests and examinations in foreign languages.
INLL - Institut national des langues Luxembourg (National Institute for Languages)

+352 26 44 30 1
Contact form
Vocational training

The National Centre for Continuing Vocational Training (Centre National de Formation Professionnelle Continue – CNFPC) is the preferred location to implement the continuing vocational training organised by the Ministry.

The Ettelbruck CNFPC delivers:

  • professional guidance and initiation courses (cours d’orientation et d’initiation professionnelles - COIP) aimed at young unemployed people,
  • continuing vocational training and vocational retraining courses,
  • adult apprenticeship courses (DAP-CCP),
  • general or specific training to meet the requirements of companies, professional sectors or associations at the request of the Minister of Labour,
  • evening classes.
CNFPC - Centre National de Formation Professionnelle Continue (National Centre for Continuing Vocational Training)
CNFPC Esch-sur-Alzette

+352 55 89 87

CNFPC Ettelbruck

+352 81 89 39 1
Integration and reintegration training

The Employment agency (Agence pour le Développement de l’Emploi – ADEM) is under the authority of the Minister of Labour, Employment and the Social and Solidarity Economy. It has a wide ranging mission in the field of training including:

  • acting to retrain or re-employ the workforce,
  • promoting the training, redeployment and professional integration of disabled workers,
  • organising and providing vocational guidance for young people and adults, with a view to integrating them into the world of work,
  • providing guidance, training, job placements, redeployment and vocational reintegration for workers with reduced capacity to work.
Adem - Agence pour le développement de l'emploi (Employment agency)

+352 247 85300


Municipalities are taking an increasingly active role in the development of continuing training for citizens.

They offer courses in many areas including:

  • music,
  • first aid,
  • languages,
  • physical education,
  • and many others.

Over the last few years, new initiatives have sprung up that aim to pool the training supply offered by municipal administrations grouped together in a network.

These initiatives are implemented through, among other things, the availability of websites such as, which offers a wide range of training for the "Éislek-Attert" region.

University of Luxembourg

University training

University of Luxembourg's main objectives are:

  • teaching,
  • research,
  • knowledge transfer at the highest level.

University diplomas can be obtained through continuing training.

Professional chambers' training bodies

Professional chambers are strongly involved in upskilling.

They are constantly increasing their training activity, and for a number of years have all had facilities dedicated specifically to training.

Training domains Training body
Continuing training and the Master Craftsmanship (Brevet de Maîtrise)

Every year, the Chamber of Trades (Chambre des Métiers) offers a programme of courses and seminars aimed both at company managers and their employees.

This training provision includes management courses adapted to the specific needs of small and medium-sized companies, courses to study towards the Master Craftsmanship as well as specific technical courses. The latter are reserved exclusively for companies in the crafts sector that are registered with the Chamber of Trades.

Chambre des Métiers (Chamber of Trades)

+352 42 67 67 1
Vocational and university training
  • Initial training – working together for high-quality education

    With regard to initial training, the Chamber of Commerce (Chambre de Commerce) is committed to improving the quality of secondary education and in particular the vocational education. It proposes curricula for general secondary education and is also actively involved in organising the apprenticeship, in particular by identifying potentially-relevant professions, developing programmes, providing general supervision and defining the operating methods.

  • Continuing training - House of Training (HoT) - training courses tailored to the needs of companies

    The Chamber of Commerce is the co-founder of the House of Training, the reference partner for continuing vocational training for the Luxembourg economy. By bringing together the continuing vocational training offers from the LSC and the IFBL (the training bodies of the Chamber of Commerce and the Luxembourg Bankers’ Association respectively) under one umbrella, the House of Training offers a very wide range of training courses tailored to the needs of companies, employees and the employment market.

  • University training - ISEC (Institut Supérieur de l'Économie) - a university of applied sciences

    With regard to university training, in addition to its partnership with the University of Luxembourg, the Chamber of Commerce has joined forces with the Chamber of Trades to create the ISEC-HdW higher-education institute of economics (Institut supérieur de l'Économie – Hochschule der Wirtschaft), which opened its doors in September 2016 and which aims to promote a complete value chain for continuing vocational training by creating a "professionalising" tertiary training course. The ISEC offers higher education courses that lead to certification or a diploma. According to the Bologna nomenclature, the diplomas are delivered at a Bachelor's or Master's degree level. The courses can be followed as a work-study programme, but since the educational scheme is practice-oriented, it also provides for placements and apprenticeships in companies that enable students to obtain ECTS credits.

Chambre de Commerce (Chamber of Commerce)

+352 42 39 39 1
Continuing training, specialist training and university training

The Chamber of Employees' LLLC offers evening courses, seminars and specialist training together with university training, in association with Luxembourgish and foreign partners.

The LLLC also allows anyone that can provide proof of significant professional and/or non-professional experience to obtain one or several diplomas from its "Evening Classes" programme (including Computer Science and Office Automation Equipment, Accounting and Budgetary Control, Law, Marketing Actions, Social Skills, Economics and Management) without having to attend a course or sit examinations.

LLLC - Luxembourg Lifelong Learning Center

+352 27 49 46 00

Trade union stakeholders

Training domains Training body
Economic and legal training

The EST, the Higher School for Labour is a training institute that is under the authority of a tripartite board of directors, and under the supervision of the Minister of Labour, Employment and the Social and Solidarity Economy.

It provides courses aimed at employed workers and self-employed workers covering the acquisition, development and adaptation of their knowledge, particularly in the following areas: economics, taxation, constitutional law, employment law, social security legislation and culture.

The EST may also be tasked with the training of staff representatives in companies based in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

EST - École supérieure du travail (Higher School for Labour)

+352 247 86200
+352 247 86202

Research centre

The LIH, the Luxembourg Institute of Health, is responsible for the transfer of knowledge gained during research activities through high-level placements. These placements are aimed at young academics wishing to refine their academic knowledge, and at executives with some professional experience who wish to develop in their field or retrain in new professional fields.

Training domains Research centre
Research dedicated to life

The Luxembourg Institute of Health (LIH) is a public research body dealing with biomedicine. Striving for excellence, its researchers generate knowledge, through their creativity, enthusiasm and commitment, about disease mechanisms and contribute to the development of new diagnostics, innovative treatments and clinical applications that affect the health of Luxembourg and European citizens. The activities of the LIH are developed around the following research areas: oncology, infectious and auto-immune diseases and public health.

At the forefront of biomedical sciences, the LIH is deeply involved in implementing national and international research programs in personalised medicine. It acts as a catalyst to promote research collaborations with health care providers, hospitals and other public and private biomedical organisations. In order to create economic and social value, it sets out to transfer its scientific discoveries and technological developments. As the leading provider of public health information in Luxembourg, it also allows public authorities to take decisions based on scientific findings and to communicate validated data to international institutions.

The LIH hosts a large number of trainees, Masters and doctoral students affiliated with the University of Luxembourg or partner universities abroad, as well as postdoctoral researchers wishing to specialise in a particular field of research. These young scientists at the beginning of their careers benefit from modern infrastructure, equipment at the cutting edge of technology and a stimulating work environment, guaranteeing high quality coaching and training for research.

The LIH offers a series of training courses, the "Training and Workshops", which enable scientific and transversal skills to be acquired. They are primarily intended for PhD students and young researchers.

Luxembourg Institute of Health (LIH)

+352 26 970 1

Associations and foundations

Private associations and foundations are also stakeholders as regards continuing training.

A non-exhaustive list of not-for-profit associations and foundations can be accessed via the search engine on the portal, as well as through the directory of training bodies published by the INFPC.

Not-for-profit associations and foundations whose head office is located in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg must be approved in order to carry out training activities.

Further information on practising in Luxembourg.

Sector-specific training bodies

There are currently several sector-specific bodies that are involved in delivering continuing vocational training.

Training domains Research centre
Construction sector

The main objective of the IFSB, the Institute for Training in the Construction Industry is to implement a sector-specific construction training system for all categories of employees. The IFSB is an initiative created by the Federation of Construction and Civil Engineering Companies (Fédération des entreprises de construction et de génie civil), and the Grouping of Building and Public Works Entrepreneurs (Groupement des entrepreneurs du bâtiment et des travaux publics).

With its Training centre in Bettembourg, the Institute intends to market itself as the skills centre for sustainable construction in Luxembourg.

IFSB - Institut de formation sectoriel du bâtiment (Institute for Training in the Construction Industry)

+352 26 59 56
Hospital sector

The DeWidong Continuing Vocational Training Centre (Centre de Formation Professionnelle Continue DeWidong - CFPC DeWidong) was created by the Luxembourg Hospitals Alliance (Entente des hôpitaux luxembourgeois) and the trade unions OGB-L and LCGB, as part of the hospital sector collective agreement. Its main purpose is market research and information on training provision, both on continuing training and certified training.

It offers sector-specific training programmes for all categories of employees in establishments that are members of the Luxembourg Hospitals Alliance.

CFPC DeWidong (DeWidong Continuing Vocational Training Centre)

+352 26 54 00 57
Public sector

The mission of the INAP, the National Institute of Public Administration (Institut national d'administration publique), placed under the authority of the minister responsible for the civil service, is to promote the vocational training of employees of the State, public State institutions, municipalities, municipal trade unions and municipal public institutions.

The INAP is also responsible for organising the assessment of knowledge of the three administrative languages in the context of the admission of candidates to work for the State and municipalities and offers services in the field of continuing vocational training for other public institutions.

INAP - Institut national d'administration publique (National Institute of Public Administration)

+352 247 83172

Private training bodies

Private bodies play an important role as stakeholders in continuing vocational training.

They may include:

  • specialised training bodies in areas as diverse as languages, quality, human resources, safety, health, the environment, sales and financial management, law, banking/insurance, industrial management, etc.
  • commercial companies which usually combine sales - mainly of computer science hardware and equipment - with the training of their client base.
  • consultancy firms or independent consultants which usually offer management-related training.

A non-exhaustive list of training bodies can be accessed via the search engine on the portal, as well as through the directory of training bodies.

Private training bodies whose head office is located in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg must be approved in order to carry out training activities.

Further information on practising in Luxembourg.


Companies are key stakeholders of continuing vocational training. The on-going development of workforce skills constitutes a strategic challenge which they address with their annual training plan.

It is at the heart of the business that the true value of training is being fully realised and where knowledge gained is gradually turned into skills.

Companies also fall within the scope of legislation that aims to support and develop continuing vocational training. This measure enables companies to seek financial support for their training investment.



Anne Oswald