Diversity and inclusion: moving from the superficial to the genuine

Formation inter et intra-entreprise

À qui s'adresse la formation?

  • Diversity officers, leaders, natural/internal advocates
  • Corporate responsibility leaders
  • HR leaders
  • Communication professional
  • Branding experts
  • Recruiters and leadership members in general acting as sponsors of diversity and inclusion for their company

Niveau atteint



2,00 heure(s)

Langues(s) de prestation


Prochaine session


  • "It’s an HR matter"
  • "We have it on our agenda"
  • "We have 50 nationalities, we are so diverse!"
  • "I know I’m not racist or sexist, so why do I need to worry about inclusion?"
  • "If the group has diversity, then by definition it is inclusive, right?"

These are frequent comments you can hear when talking about diversity and inclusion. However, most of them are wrong or at least partially wrong. We live in a competitive market where companies need to differentiate themselves from others by having the best strategies to attract and retain candidates. The common misconceptions around diversity can slow down real progress.

Just as companies in the past few years have had to move beyond superficial ‘sustainability and greenwashing’ communication, the next topic on all agendas should be to make diversity and inclusion a genuine plan of action.

Diversity and inclusion are one of the most misunderstood and misconstrued strategies. It has passed from being the 'right thing to do' to a 'must have'. It assures a steady pipeline of talent, and it increases performance, promotes a culture of fair treatment and equal opportunities, stimulates creativity, innovation and conflict resolution… and so much more.

During this course, the participants will discover the false pretenses of Diversity and Inclusion and the really advantages of forming a genuine strategy.

By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • understand diversity and inclusion and how to drive an action plan, which is aligned with the vision of the business;
  • gain insight on the benefits and challenges of diversity;
  • recognise the importance and necessity of a cultural change;
  • learn about the advantages of having a diversity and inclusion data-driven approach.


  • Diversity and inclusion: concept, importance and illustrative strategies
  • Getting rid of all types of unconscious bias
  • Equality vs. equity
  • Gender and LGBTQ+
  • Opportunities and challenges
  • My business and diversity and inclusion: how to make it work?
  • Key takeaways to apply to my company

Certificat, diplôme

An attendance certificate will be sent to participants.

Informations supplémentaires

This training is coordinated by Vinciane Istace, Partner at PwC Luxembourg and delivered by People and Organisation experts.

Vinciane has been with PwC for more than 30 years and became head of the firm’s HR department in 2003 after having worked as an Auditor and Chartered Accountant. In her executive role of human capital partner then leader, she structured PwC HR operational capabilities, and co-designed and deployed the firm’s HR strategy.

She is currently the leader of the People and Process Outsourcing (“PPO”) practice, proposing assistance to our clients in the field of payroll, immigration and HR administration driven by high quality standards and of the People and Organisation (P&O) team, providing HR advisory services from HR strategic design to implementation.

She also has the privilege of acting as the Diversity and Inclusion leader for PwC Luxembourg. In that role, she ensures the deployment of the D&I ambition.

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