ENE - Early Neutral Evaluation Training

Intra-company training

Who is the training for?

Training for lawyers and professional specialists

Level reached



7,00 day(s)

Language(s) of service



ENE Training aims to certify:

  • communicative and negotiation skills based on the Harvard Concept,
  • knowledge of the tools and processes used by and necessary for a professional Early Neutral Evaluator in order to apply them in practice to any
  • type of communicative challenge in the context of the professional activity of the lawyer and professional specialist the acquisition of a set of skills with a view to exercising the role of an Early Neutral Evaluator in compliance with the minimum 56 hours of training required, among other things, for accreditation by the Centre de Médiation Civile et Commerciale (CMCC),


An ‘Early Neutral Evaluation’ (‘ENE’) is an Alternative Dispute Resolution (‘ADR’) procedure, which can be carried out at any time during ongoing legal proceedings or outside the legal process. The dispute is submitted to an expert, lawyer, judge or professional specialist (‘Evaluator’), who is asked to make a balanced and impartial assessment of the dispute. The parties submit written observations or meet the Evaluator in person. The Evaluator highlights the strengths and weaknesses of both parties and gives an estimate of the likely outcome of a trial. This assessment can help the parties to evaluate their case and possibly encourage them to reach an agreement through mediation or to initiate or continue legal proceedings.

The subject of ENE is relevant to the lawyer's practice insofar as it represents an area in which he provides legal services in the form of

  • procedural advice to the parties as to their choice of dispute resolution method to be followed,
  • material advice necessary to advance the possible method of dispute resolution, and
  • substantive advice in the form of a neutral assessment of the dispute and a corresponding estimate of the chances of success of each procedural approach (judicial vs. ADR) and a related commitment of resources.
  • a process in which he accompanies and advises the parties
  • a useful communication technique
  • to act to prevent conflict in the interests of the parties, and an additional activity when the lawyer takes on the role of Early Neutral Evaluator.

Certificate, diploma

CMCC ‘Early Neutral Evaluation Training Certificate (ENETC)’ on presentation to the CMCC of certificates of participation for the three components.