Leveraging technologies to better steer your operational units

Formation inter et intra-entreprise

À qui s'adresse la formation?

  • Operational managers and leaders: professionals responsible for overseeing operational units and seeking ways to enhance efficiency
  • Technology enthusiasts: individuals interested in the latest technological advancements and their applications in operations
  • Decision makers: those who need to understand how technology can enable data-driven decisions and operational excellence
  • Business analysts: professionals analysing operational processes and looking for opportunities to optimise through technolo

Niveau atteint



1,50 heure(s)

Langues(s) de prestation


Prochaine session


In this insightful 2-hour course, participants will discover how cutting-edge technologies can empower them to steer their operational units with precision and efficiency.

How can they harness Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), and data analytics to optimise operations and make informed decisions? Join us to unlock the potential of technology-driven operational management.

By the end of this course, participants wil be able to:

  • grasp the significance of technology in operational management;
  • explore the transformative power of AI and the IoT in operations;
  • learn how to streamline and enhance operations using technology;
  • develop the skills to make informed decisions based on data analytics;
  • discover how technology can drive excellence in managing operational units.


  • Role of technology in operations: understanding the impact of technology on operational management.
  • AI in operations: exploring AI applications for process optimisation and decision support.
  • IoT and operational efficiency: leveraging IoT for real-time monitoring and control.
  • Data analytics for operations: harnessing data analytics tools and techniques to drive improvements.
  • Case studies: examining successful implementations of technology-driven operational management.
  • Operational excellence framework: strategies for achieving and maintaining operational excellence through technology.

Informations supplémentaires

This training is coordinated by Thierry Kremser, Partner at PwC Luxembourg and Andreas Braun, Director at PwC Luxembourg.

Thierry is leading the Technology Consulting services. He has over 20 years of experience in IT strategy with a specific focus on the quality and efficiency of IT departments. He has managed numerous innovation and transformation programmes and has also been involved in IT risk and security projects. Thierry is also leading the data and AI services.

Andreas is an expert in biometrics and artificial intelligence.

He has more than 15 years of experience in public and private sector projects from AI strategy and regulation, to R&D projects and proof-of-concept implementations.

Prior to joining PwC, he was group leader at a leading research institution, focusing on biometrics, AI, and IoT. He has been a university lecturer, authored more than 100 scientific publications and holds several patents.

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