MiFID II - Risk, Compliance, Regulations (FR)

Formation inter-entreprise

À qui s'adresse la formation?

The persons concerned by the Training Programme are all persons placed under the authorityof a professional (or acting on his behalf) subject to prudential supervision by the CSSF, i.e.individuals providing investment advice (“Advisory profile”) or information (“Information profile”) on financial instruments, investment services or ancillary services to clients.


8,00 heure(s)

Langues(s) de prestation


Prochaine session

Classe virtuelle




This module is part of the MiFID II Certification.


This module focuses on the risk, compliance and regulation aspects of the instruments covered in previous modules. As such, the specific topics in this section include:

  • Product governance processes under MiFID II – Target market assessment (with target market categories, client’s best interests rules, target market disclosures), Key points for product manufacturers (guidance notes, acquisition channels, etc.) and distributors (distribution strategies, third-country manufacturers, etc.), Proportionality (simple products, wholesale markets, secondary markets), Distributor feedback (aggregated/product-by-product feedback, non-advised sales), Portfolio diversification, Acquisition channels
  • Approval process - The approval process for each of the instruments mentioned above
  • Investor protection - The measures taken to protect the investors in each instrument type
  • Market transparency - A description of how transparent the market for each instrument is, i.e., does the investor understand how the market works
  • Risk management - The approach to risk management in the relevant market; the effectiveness of risk management
  • AML/CFT - Measures taken to prevent money laundering and financing of terrorism in the corresponding market; areas that still pose problems
  • Market abuse - Measures taken to prevent market abuse (e.g., insider trading, market manipulation) in the relevant market

Prochaine session

Language & prix

Classe virtuelle
FR 220,00€

Informations supplémentaires

Experienced professional specialists selected on the basis of their in-depth knowledge of markets, risk and compliance under MiFID rules I and II, and ESMA criteria.

Course material: English

Assessment and Certification: English or French

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