Private Equity - Accounting (certified path)

Formation inter-entreprise

À qui s'adresse la formation?

  • Mutual Funds Professionals willing to acquire substantial knowledge of the Private Equity fund administration and depositary activities.
  • Alternative Funds Professionals aiming at developing their understanding of Private Equity specifics in the fields of fund structuring and monitoring, valuation and performance calculation/attribution.
  • Other Professionals active in AIFMs, legal, audit and advisory firms etc. eager to benefit from an extensive overview of Private Equity business processes.


24,00 heure(s)

Langues(s) de prestation


Prochaine session


The objective of this certification is to develop the skills necessary to master the accounting processes related to Private Equity investment funds.


This certification is composed of 1 pre-requesite certificate and 1 additional module available in English:


  • Certified path Private Equity - Administration 16h

Module Private Equity:

  • Mastering the Specificities of PE Fund Accounting and Reporting 24h

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Sur demande
Banque assurance - Banque - Marché financier - Produit financier