Counter Terrorism Financing (CTF) - Advanced

Betribsiwwergräifend Formatioun

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8,00 Stonn(en)

Sprooch(e) vun der Déngschtleeschtung


Nächst Sessioun


This enhanced, bespoke, one day session builds on the foundation course (CTF Fundamentals) and contains sessions on terrorist finance investigation strategies and decision making. It also includes inputs on new payment methods, advanced techniques in the gathering of financial intelligence and the analysis and evaluation of terrorist organisations. The programme will include presentations, breakout sessions and group working and will encourage active participation.

Attendees will be expected to identify critical information requirements and be able to analyse and assess information in order to determine the best use of resources and identify the best practice of implementation before deciding on a concerted action of disruption in relation to those involved in terrorist financing.

This training will allow participants to:

  • benefit greatly from focusing on the relationships that financial information reveals and the intelligence value that can be derived from associated "non- financial" information (phone numbers, email addresses, passport numbers that are contained in financial documents), particularly within SAR reporting requirements
  • develop an enhanced detection and investigation capability into terrorist and extremist activity and behaviours when intelligence and financial information are used together
  • learn how to discover and exploit additional intelligence resources and sources that can identify leads that may otherwise go undetected and help prevent future attacks
  • build on the core skills obtained from the Foundation programme by assessing new terrorist finance investigation techniques and strategies
  • be exposed to inputs on new payment methods and other relevant topics (as determined by local situations and international case studies/investigations)


The training will involve group working and a scenario based exercise, as determined by the requirements and operating context of the client. Topics (to be tailored to your requirements) include:

  • Advanced financial intelligence gathering
  • The internet as a research tool (overview – available as a full one day course)
  • Advanced financial instruments (new payment methods - e-money)
  • Key current issues – strategic aims
  • The ability to report accurately and within increased confidence both internally and externally

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