"The Phoenix Project" DevOps Business Simulation Workshop

Betribsiwwergräifend Formatioun

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Architectes, Chefs de projets, Consultants, Consultants informatiques, Developpeurs, Directeurs de projets, Ingénieurs, Professionnels de l’IT


1,00 Dag(Deeg)

Sprooch(e) vun der Déngschtleeschtung


Nächst Sessioun

Windhof (Koerich)




This game is an excellent starting point for all organizations with a desire to explore the do’s and don’ts of working in a DevOps way. It can also accelerate the adoption by all layers in the organization, including the teams and senior leadership.

A "must do" in every DevOps journey!

  • How to apply DevOps principles in a real life situation?
  • How to find the right balance between delivering your SLA requirements and your IT Projects according to plan?
  • How to experience how DevOps can bring serious value to your business?
  • How to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of your IT Department?
  • How to create better flow in your teams?
  • How to develop people’s skills to act in a DevOps environment?
  • How to show business their responsibilities in making IT Projects more successful?


About the simulation
  • Parts Unlimited are in trouble
  • Newspaper reports reveal the poor financial performance of the organization
  • The only way to save the company and to make it competitive and profitable is "The Phoenix Project" which is an IT enabled business transformation, with Retail Operations as the business owner of this project
  • The VP of IT Operations is asked to lead the IT Department and make sure "The Phoenix Project" is successful
  • However, he is facing a tremendous amount of work
  • Huge backlogs of issues, features and projects
  • Your team will take different roles within Parts Unlimited
  • You can be Retail Operations, Human Resources or the CFO and run your projects
  • You can play the role of the VP of IT Operations, or lead one of the IT functions
  • You will be suggesting improvements, addressing issues, developing applications, managing operations or other members from his IT Team that needs to develop the applications and solve the IT Issues
  • Your challenge is to use the DevOps principles and apply them in this serious Business Simulation
  • In four rounds you will work on the IT Projects and IT Issues and make sure "The Phoenix Project" is finished on time
  • But, beware, the business keeps coming up with new ideas and demands, and external developments outside your control can also throw a spanner in the works
Target Audience
  • This simulation is targeted at all roles and employees in Business, IT Development and IT Operations who want to apply Lean, Agile and ITSM principles to improve the performance of their IT Services or to create more value out of their IT Solutions
  • This simulation is for organizations who want to develop their culture to achieve better collaboration and as a result, faster and error-free deployment of new IT Solutions
The simulation can be used for:
  • Awareness programs
  • Assessment sessions
  • Teambuilding

Certificat, Diplom

Une attestation de participation sera transmise aux participants

Nächst Sessioun

Sprooch & Präis
Windhof (Koerich)
FR 790,00€

Kontakt fir dës Formatioun

Nathalie Thielemans / Nassera Aici

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