Transfer Agency - The way ahead

Betribsintern Formatioun

U wie riicht sech d'Formatioun?

  • Anyone responsible for strategy definition, projects and change management
  • Senior executives and decision makers

Erreechten Niveau



2,00 Stonn(en)
  • 2h for specialists
  • 1h for board members and C-suite

Sprooch(e) vun der Déngschtleeschtung


Nächst Sessioun


Are you wondering what is the future of the Transfer Agency (TA) business? Is it feasible to make this space of asset servicing area profitable? What are the possible dimensions that you could look at closer to support the growth and profitability as well as to keep up with the swiftly evolving technologies?
If you are looking for answers to any of the above, we would be glad to discuss with you and share our observations and vision backed up by the expertise and experience of our professionals.

By the end of this session, participants will:

  • be able to identify the main forces shaping the TA industry;
  • understand the current trends when it comes to the TA service offering;
  • understand the principles of key modern technologies and explore how they could potentially fit in the TA landscape.


1. Overview of the TA models evolution with consideration of pain points and opportunities

2. Main forces reshaping the TA industry:

  • Rise of alternatives
  • Pressure from new players: FinTechs, fund companies, etc.
  • Digitalisation/new technologies with focus on DLT
  • Offshoring/outsourcing

3. The future vision of service model evolution

  • Deeper look at the fund distribution

4. Strategic questions that should be asked to rethink the TA service model

Zousätzlech Informatiounen

This training is coordinated by Katarzyna Pyrka and Thomas Campione, Directors at PwC Luxembourg.

Katarzyna is a director within the Advisory practice of PwC Luxembourg with over 15 years of experience in the financial industry. She focuses on the financial services sector and advises on regulatory and business matters. Since she joined PwC Luxembourg, she is supporting major international banks and investment firms specialised in asset management for funds, custody and transfer agency services.

Thomas leads our blockchain and crypto-assets activities. He is the Luxembourg representative in the PwC Crypto Accounting Working Group (CAWG), the Global Crypto Committee and Global Blockchain Community in the PwC Network and has been an instructor within PwC team since 2015.

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