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Finding training tailored to your needs

Do you want to update your knowledge, or acquire new skills to progress within your company? Are you looking for a new job? Do you just want to keep abreast of any new developments?

Whatever your motivation for seeking training, will guide you in your search. The platform gives you access to 12 826 training courses offered by the member training providers.

The training courses can be filtered by training domain, venue, duration, level sought, preferred teaching language, etc. The content of each course is set out in detail by the corresponding training provider.

Courses are held as day classes, evening classes, at the weekend, and as distance learning. They may be short, or spread over several months.

Obtaining a diploma through continuing training

Thanks to continuing training, evening, daytime or distance learning classes may allow you to gain a vocational training, secondary education or higher education diploma.

Apprenticeships for adults or apprenticeships structured as a sandwich course enable you to gain a recognised qualification evidenced by a vocational training diploma. As an adult who is either in employment or a job seeker, you can aim at the Technician’s Diploma (diplôme de technicien - DT), the Vocational Aptitude Diploma (diplôme d’aptitude professionnelle - DAP) or the Vocational Capacity Certificate (certificat de capacité professionnelle - CCP). Specific courses are offered for 5e classes.

If you want to set up and run your own business or would like to take up a managerial position in a craft, manufacturing or commercial undertaking, the Master Craftsmanship (Brevet de maîtrise) is accessible by attending preparatory classes.

Continuing training courses are available to gain a secondary education diploma: either the Classical Secondary School Leaving Diploma (diplôme de fin d’études secondaires classiques - DFESC) or the General Secondary School Leaving Diploma (diplôme de fin d’études secondaires générales - DFESG). The Access to Higher Education Diploma (diplôme d’accès aux études supérieures - DAES) and the Access to University Studies Diploma (diplôme d’accès aux études universitaires - DAEU) enable adults without a classical or general secondary school leaving diploma or a foreign equivalent to gain access to university studies.

In higher education, continuing training courses are offered that lead to a university degree: a master’s degree (Bac +5), a bachelor’s degree (Bac +3) or a university diploma.

More information on the diplomas accessible through lifelong learning.

Having your experience validated thanks to VAE

You have acquired considerable experience in your workplace or in the context of extra-professional activities. Thanks to the scheme for validation of non-formal and informal learning (Validation des acquis de l’expérience - VAE) you may use this experience to earn a formal qualification that acknowledges your skills.

VAE applies to the certificates and diplomas of general secondary education, of the vocational training (DT, DAP, CCP), to the master craftsmanship and to the higher education degrees and diplomas.

More information about VAE

Participate in a VAE information session

Requesting training support

If you wish to undertake training to develop your skills, to change jobs or to progress in your career, you can request training support.

Training support measures, available under certain conditions, can take the form of:

  • Special paid leave: individual training leave, language training leave or youth leave with your salary being paid
  • Organisation of work time: personal reorganisation of your work schedule or unpaid leave that allows employees to organise their training according to their work schedule and availability
  • Financial support: tax relief, financial aid for higher education courses...

More information on training support for private individuals

Attend an information session on training support for private individuals

Help for the skills audit and guidance

Are you wondering about your professional career? Do you no longer feel at ease in your current job? Are you thinking of a career change without knowing where to start?

The skills audit allows you to take stock of yourself in order to get to know yourself better and identify your skills, interests and ambitions. This analysis will help you to define a professional project, to plan a career change or a training project.

More information about the skills audit

Regarding guidance, a number of measures exist in Luxembourg to enable young people to enter the labour market: employment initiation contract (CIE), employment support contract (CAE), Fit fir d'Léier (F4L), etc.

In terms of professional reintegration, various initiatives are available such as the Future Skills Initiative, the employment reintegration contract (CRE), occupational mobility, etc.

More information about orientation and retraining

Courses to attend for acquiring nationality

If you wish to acquire Luxembourgish nationality by naturalisation or option, you must fulfil residency conditions, produce a "Living together in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg" certificate and have your level of Luxembourgish assessed.

For applications for acquiring nationality by naturalisation, and in some cases by option, your knowledge of the Luxembourg language must be documented by the certificate of successful completion of the Luxembourg language assessment examination, the "Sproochentest Lëtzebuergesch". The assessment examination consists of a speaking test (level A2) and a listening comprehension test (level B1).

If you have lived in Luxembourg for at least 20 years, you can acquire nationality by option. In this case, you must provide proof of participation in a 24-hour Luxembourg language course aimed at providing an introduction to speaking and listening comprehension.

More information on the conditions and eligible training courses for acquiring Luxembourg nationality.