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Implementing the training plan

In order to cope with the challenges of today and tomorrow, companies must optimise their performance and ensure their competitiveness, not least by having competent and motivated employees.

Training thus enables employers to adapt their employees' skills to the company's constantly changing needs. This may involve upskilling to increase skills specific to a job or a field of activity, or reskilling to acquire new skills for retraining within the company.

By means of the training plan, the development of employees' skills takes on a strategic dimension to serve the needs of the company's project.

Compiling a training plan involves a number of stages: analysis of training needs, organisation of training courses, assessment and usefulness in the workplace. It structures and organises the quality and quantity of the training projects aimed at the company's employees.

Find out about training courses in respect of the training plan online at

With a view to supporting companies' investment in training, the State offers financial support totalling 15% (taxable) of the amount allocated to training. This is the co-funding of in-company training, a scheme that private-sector companies can apply for.

Finding suitable training courses and training rooms available for rent simplifies the training procurement process by providing access to 12 826 courses offered by 320 members’ training organisations.

The training courses offered may be linked to professional skills in the field of finance, construction, communication, industry, mechanics etc. or be more linked to the cross-disciplinary skills that are required in every company, in areas such as languages, business skills, management, IT or personal and professional development.

The courses can be filtered by training domain, venue, duration, level sought, teaching language, etc. The content of each course is set out in detail by the corresponding training provider.

In addition to the search engine, companies are able to use various services on the platform to develop and manage the training plan to meet their employees’ needs.

  • Training rooms available for rent are also listed to ensure logistical needs are met when organising training.
  • The publication of calls for tender for bespoke training service gives companies a simple and effective way to search the training market. Companies can publish their need for specific training (free of charge and without obligation) to training organisations that are members of and then receive appropriate training solutions from them.
  • The directory of companies that buy training consists of a listing service which is free and voluntary for the company, so that they can be contacted by training organisations that are members of the portal regarding new collaborations.

Applying for co-funding for training

Private-sector companies which are legally established in the Grand Duchy and carry out their main business there can obtain financial support from the State for the training of their employees.

This support amounts to 15% (taxable) of the annual amount invested, and 35% (taxable) in respect of salary costs of participants meeting specific criteria regarding age and qualification. Investment in training is capped depending on the company's size.

The co-funding of training in companies is based on the training plan drawn up by the company, which it submits through its application for co-funding. The INFPC assists companies in the use of the aid scheme and processes applications for co-funding on behalf of the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth.

Access the application for co-funding

More information on co-funding

A video tutorial and a simulator for calculating co-funding are available to provide you with a better understanding of the co-funding scheme.

Attend information session on co-funding

Attend training on co-funding

Information session and training on co-funding

Information session

In partnership with the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth and the professional chambers, the INFPC is organising one-hour long information sessions concerning the co-funding of training.

These sessions are targeted at private-sector companies which are established in the Grand Duchy and carry out their main business there. Their aim is to provide an overview of the State's financial support for employee training.

Register for an information session on co-funding


The INFPC offers a training course on "Co-funding for in-company training" for anyone responsible for continuing vocational training within a company.

The course lasts one day; it covers a number of theoretical notions and deals with an actual case, making it possible to understand the procedure for accessing co-funding.

Register for training on co-funding

Requesting the subsidy for learning Luxembourgish

The Luxembourg State supports companies in their training effort through another type of aid: the subsidy for learning Luxembourgish.

This subsidy aims to improve the integration of foreigners within companies by financing part of the costs of learning Luxembourgish.

More information on the subsidy for learning Luxembourgish

It should be noted that private individuals can also benefit from training support, which is available under certain conditions. This can take the form of special paid leave, organisation of working hours and specific financial aid.

More information on training support for private individuals

Viewing trends regarding in-company training

Companies applying for State aid to fund their training plans invest on average 1.1% of their total payroll in training. Employees attend on average 4.1 training courses lasting 3.2 hours, and the amount of State aid per employee is 122 euros.

In its latest publication, the Training Observatory analyses the training activity of the companies that applied for State aid for continuing vocational training in 2020.

View full information on in-company training practices