S.à r.l.



Types of training provided

off-the-shelf and custom-made course

Other training-related activities

Information, Initial training, Management and organisation consulting, Support - Coaching, Training advice and services, Training course planning and design, Training path management

Activity area

Luxembourg (All regions)

Language(s) of service


About us

Luxembourg center for training, monitoring, innovation and skills in the fields of safety, security, hygiene and health in general. This continuing education center, under the supervision of various bodies, is accredited by the Ministry of National Education.

The training courses delivered, updated with regulatory updates, guarantee an improvment in the skills of learners in first aid, fire, evacuation as well as other specific areas guaranteeing the prevention, surveillance and protection of property (movable and immovable property) and people.

Our trainers have a background in the field: mostly active or formerly active as firefighters, civil and regional security personnel, military, police or other security and safety professions; they guarantee authentic training which is as close as possible to reality in order to allow learners to project themselves into situations allowing them to acquire up-to-date knowledge that meets their needs and enables them to react to danger.

Teaching methods

Different proven teaching methods are used depending on the training, the learners and their socio-cultural background.

The theoretical part of the training is, depending on the training followed, completed by a practical part in a situation as real and immersive as possible using equipment such as connected mannequins, make-up, equipped vehicles, virtual reality equipment....

For this, our classic, specific or particular materials are implemented in order to combine traditional learning methods to the most innovative methods.

Training domains

Health, Social action
Health and sanitary sector
Personal and professional development
Personal and professional development
Quality, Security
Defence, Prevention and Security
Trade, Sale, Horeca
Miscellaneous services

Some figures

Beginning of the training activity
Hours of training per year
Attendees per year
Permanent trainer(s)

Catalogs to download