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VAE for validating your experience

The VAE is a scheme for allowing anyone, regardless of age, level of study or professional status, to have their professional and personal experience recognised with a view to obtaining a qualification, gaining access to a training path, or being partially exempted from certain parts of a programme of studies. The only prerequisite is a minimum of 3 years of work which is directly related to the requested certification.

VAE can be applied for in respect of the following qualifications:

VAE is a further means of gaining a formal qualification. It is not a mere conversion of an experience into a diploma, but a real pathway that requires personal work. The steps to be taken and the competent body vary according to the qualification sought.

More information about VAE

Qualifications in respect of vocational training (DT, DAP, CCP), general secondary education and the Master Craftsmanship

Adults having acquired considerable experience in their workplace or in the context of extra-professional activities may use their experience to earn a formal qualification that acknowledges their skills.

As regards vocational training, the Vocational Capacity Certificate (Certificat de capacité professionnelle – CCP), the Vocational Aptitude Diploma (Diplôme d'aptitude professionnelle - DAP) and the Technician's Diploma (Diplôme de technicien - DT) are accessible through VAE. The same applies to the General Secondary School Leaving Diploma (Diplôme de fin d'études secondaires générales - DFESG) and the Master Craftsmanship (Brevet de maîtrise) in a trade.

In order to identify the qualification that best corresponds to their experience, applicants are invited to consult the school curricula and to request information from the VAE Unit of the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth.

More information about VAE for vocational training, general secondary education, and for the Master Craftsmanship

Higher Technician Certificate (BTS)

VAE allows professional and personal experience to gaining access to a programme of studies leading to a Higher Technician Certificate (Brevet de technicien supérieur – BTS), or being partially exempted from certain parts of a programme of studies.

Applicants can consult the list of offered BTS to identify which formal diploma corresponds to their experience; they may also obtain information about the procedure and the conditions of the VAE scheme from the corresponding secondary schools.

More information about VAE for the BTS

University degrees: Bachelor and Master

VAE at the University of Luxembourg allows experience to be recognised with a view to:

  • accessing a programme of study to earn a Bachelor's degree (3 years of higher education) or a Master's degree (5 years of higher education) at the University,
  • obtaining transfer credits or exemptions.

Applicants are invited to request information from the University of Luxembourg for details of the programmes of studies, the procedure and the conditions of the VAE scheme.

More information about VAE for university degrees/diplomas