L4S Learn for Success - Personalised learning workshops

Last update : 17.10.2024

General information

L4S - Learn for Success offers personalised learning workshops for all adults looking for tailor-made support in languages (French and English, from acquired B1 level) or maths, particularly in the context of their work, their jobseeking, or their plans for retraining.


L4S provides a speedy answer to professional or personal challenges, with

  • workshops in languages (French and English) and maths,
  • an initial interview to assess the person's needs,
  • personalised training and support,
  • flexible timetables and frequency throughout the training,
  • the possibility to start immediately.


Enrolment is possible throughout the year, by making an appointment (L4S@men.lu).

The enrolment fee is 3 euros per lesson. A reduced rate of 10 euros for an entire training course via L4S is applied for anyone with an L4S VOUCHER.

The workshops take place at the Aldringen site, from Mondays to Fridays.


Ministère de l'Éducation nationale,
de l'Enfance et de la Jeunesse

Service de la formation des adultes

Maison de l'orientation
L4S – Salle 514
29, rue Aldringen
L-1118 Luxembourg

L4S - Facebook
