Tattoo studios and establishments providing public tanning appliances

Last update : 24.02.2025

General information

Anyone offering tattooing services by skin penetration (including permanent make-up, piercing, branding and cutting) must attend training regarding hygiene and health conditions for at least 21 hours.

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Anyone making UV tanning appliances available for use by the public must attend training regarding hygiene and protection against ultraviolet radiations for at least 8 hours.

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These training courses must be attended at: a training establishment authorised to provide training courses in Luxembourg or an establishment recognised by the competent authorities of the State of issuance for the training courses completed in a Member State of the European Union.

It should be noted that anyone providing services involving tanning and tattooing techniques must declare the opening, closure or modification of their studio/establishment to the Health Directorate. The practical arrangements for the declaration of an activity can be found on the website


for anyone offering tattooing services:

Centre de Compétences - Digitaalt Handwierk
Hair Beauty Tattoo Guild

448, Z.A.E. Wolser F
L-3290 Bettembourg

+352 621 378 730
for establishments providing public UV tanning appliances:

Ministère de la Santé et de la Sécurité Sociale
Direction de la Santé - Division de la radioprotection

6 B, rue Nicolas-Ernest Barblé
L-1210 Luxembourg