The Citizen's Pact is a voluntary moral commitment that testifies to the willingness to participate in the intercultural living together approach and to promote the values associated with it.
The "Biergerpakt" (Citizen's Pact) is aimed at any person of legal age who lives or works in Luxembourg. It gives access to the intercultural living together programme.
Intercultural living together is a participative, dynamic and continuous process that enables everyone to live, work and decide together. It is founded on mutual respect, tolerance, solidarity, social cohesion and the fight against racism and all forms of discrimination. It establishes diversity as an asset for the development of an intercultural society.
The "Biergerpakt" is an instrument introduced by the Law on intercultural living together of 23 August 2023. It has replaced the Reception and integration contract (Contrat d'accueil et d'intégration - CAI) since 1 January 2024.
To join the "Biergerpakt", you need to apply for membership online via (with authentication). The cross-border worker needs a certificate of affiliation from the Joint Social Security Centre (dated less than 3 months) to finalise the application.
Membership of the "Biergerpakt" gives access to the intercultural living together programme and does not provide for any time limit or deadlines for taking part in the various modules. However, the Pact ends if the member does not take part in any of the programme's modules for a period of 2 years.
The free programme is made up of 3 introductory modules and a vast catalogue of individual modules on key subjects of living together in Luxembourg.
Introductory modules
Completion of the three introductory modules is taken into consideration under certain conditions when applying for Luxembourg nationality by option and in the context of an application for long-term resident status.
Individual modules
A catalogue of individual modules makes it possible to choose modules according to one's personal situation, interests and needs.
This catalogue offers a wide range of classes and activities on different topics:
The offer will be developed on an ongoing basis, and the catalogue is continuously adapted according to the needs identified by participants.