Protection of personal data

Last update : 31.07.2024

Data is processed in compliance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (the "GDPR") and the Law of 1 August 2018 on the organisation of the National Commission for Data Protection and the general data protection framework (referred to together hereinafter as the "Laws on the protection of personal data").

Who is responsible for processing (the Controller)? 

The INFPC, the National Institute for the Development of Continuing Vocational Training, a public establishment, is responsible for processing the Personal Data processed in the context of the purposes and activities described in this Policy.

Who is the data protection officer ?

The INFPC has appointed a data protection officer (DPO). The company MGSI S.à r.l., with registered office at 52a, route du vin, L-5495 Wintrange, Luxembourg, was entrusted with this task.

What are the different categories of personal data that may be processed ?

Depending on the purpose of the processing, different categories of personal data (the "Personal Data") may be collected, stored and used by the INFPC. This data relates to:

  • the users of our website;
  • the beneficiaries of services offered by the INFPC (where the beneficiaries are legal persons, the data processed concern their managers, human resources managers, training officers and representatives);
  • the target groups concerned by such services.
Hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Data Subjects".

The Personal Data collected include in particular:

  • personal identification data: first name, family name, title, photo;
  • contact details: phone number, address;
  • professional data: business address, function;
  • electronic identification data: e-mail address, user name and password;
  • data relating to qualifications: trainer CV.
  • data in connection with the use of the website (connection times, source/reference, IP addresses, cookies) and data in connection with the Formanews newsletter (main areas of interest);
  • any other personal data communicated by you when you register for information sessions or included in your requests for information.

What purposes is Personal Data used for? 

Through its website, the INFPC collects Personal Data for the following purposes:

  • to respond to requests for information from users of the platform and the Infoligne service, the hotline managed by the INFPC dealing with all questions on lifelong learning;
  • to manage registrations and requests for information on the training courses presented on the website by the platform's member training bodies;
  • to send the Formanews newsletter to subscribers and manage their preferences;
  • to send documents and information to training bodies and hirers of training rooms, that are members of the platform, in the context of their contractual relations with the INFPC;
  • to post the CVs of trainers who have accepted the general conditions for using the "Trainer CV" service offered by the INFPC, accessed via the platform;
  • to manage the user accounts on the platform;
  • to send out INFPC publications containing information on lifelong training and statistics compiled by the Training Observatory. The aim of these publications is to inform the target groups concerned and to promote lifelong learning;
  • to send out invitations in connection with events organised by the INFPC or its institutional partners;
  • to improve user experience and maintain visitor statistics (cookies).

Data processing as stipulated above is based on Article 6 of the GDPR, which specifies that processing is lawful. It is:

  • necessary for entering into a contract with users and the performance of the said contract (Article 6.1.b of the GDPR);
  • necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the INFPC, in particular with regard to compiling statistics and managing the platform (Article 6.1.f of the GDPR);
  • carried out in the public interest (Article 6.1.e of the GDPR).

Special processing in connection with measuring hits and improving user experience

With a view to optimising your user experience, monitoring use of its websites and improving them, the INFPC uses the following tools: Google Analytics, YouTube and Google Maps. You may consult Google's and YouTube's rules on confidentiality if you require further information.

When you visit the website, you will be notified of the use of cookies required for browsing and compiling statistics on hits. These cookies are subject to your consent and you can change the cookie settings at any time in your browser or on our website by using the cookies banner. For more information, please read our cookies management policy.

Presence on the social media

The INFPC is present on various social media: Facebook, X (ex-Twitter), LinkedIn and Instagram.

For information on the policies on the use and processing of Personal Data these platforms apply, please consult the following dedicated pages: Facebook, X (ex-Twitter), LinkedIn, Instagram.

Special processing in connection with registrations for the training courses listed on

Requests for information and registrations for training courses offered by the training bodies that are members of the platform are forwarded to the training provider concerned, which will reply to you. Training providers undertake to process the data forwarded to them in accordance with the Laws on the protection of personal data.

Is Personal Data passed on to third parties?

In order to provide the services required by the Data Subjects and carry out the tasks entrusted to it, the INFPC may need to forward Personal Data to third parties in the context of:

  • sub-contracting the despatch of publications or invitations to events of the INFPC or its institutional partners;
  • a request for information or registration for a training course posted on The data is passed on to the training body concerned so that it may reply to the request or confirm the registration;
  • technical sub-contracting such as that offered by IT providers (website hosting providers etc.).

Within the meaning of the Laws on the protection of personal data, these bodies are recipients of Personal Data or processors ("Recipients"). It is possible for Recipients, under their own responsibility, to entrust the processing of the said Personal Data to their agents or their own service providers which then process the data solely in order to assist the Recipients in providing their services to the INFPC and/or assist the Recipients in the context of compliance with their statutory obligations.

Where are the Recipients of Personal Data located? 

The Recipients may be located in the European Economic Area ("EEA") as well as outside the EEA. If Personal Data is disclosed to Recipients located in a country outside the EEA that does not offer a satisfactory level of protection for the Personal Data, data is transferred to them on the basis of appropriate measures provided for by the Laws on the protection of personal data.

Where does the Personal Data that is processed come from? 

The Personal Data that is processed is collected directly from users when they request information, register for a training course or event, or in the context of a contractual relationship. They also come from people representing businesses and companies (managers, human resources managers, training officers, etc.).

How long is Personal Data kept for? 

Personal Data is kept until the purpose for which is was processed has been achieved.

Data relating to course registrations is transferred to the relevant bodies and made available to the latter on their personal workspace of the platform for processing by them.

What are your rights, how may you exercise them, and where should you send your requests for information? 

In accordance with the Laws on the protection of personal data, in your capacity as a Data Subject, you have the following rights:

  • getting information about the processing of your data;
  • accessing your Personal Data;
  • requesting correction or amendment of your Personal Data if it is incorrect or incomplete;
  • requiring deletion ("right to be forgotten"): you are entitled to have your Personal Data deleted;
  • lodging a complaint with the National Commission for Data Protection (the "CNPD") at the following address: 15, Boulevard du Jazz, L-4370 Belvaux, or if you live in another Member State of the European Union, with the competent supervisory authority in that country.

In certain cases and in accordance with the conditions laid down by the Laws on the protection of personal data, you also enjoy the following rights:

  • requesting deletion of your Personal Data;
  • requesting a restriction on the processing of your data: obtaining a restriction on the processing of your Personal Data;
  • requesting the portability of your Personal Data;
  • opposing the processing of your Personal Data.

To exercise your rights, you may send an e-mail or letter to:

    Institut national pour le développement de la formation professionnelle continue
    À l'attention du Délégué à la protection des données (DPO)
    Immeuble CUBUS C2
    2, rue Peternelchen
    L-2370 Howald

Updating of information

The information on the processing of Personal Data will be updated as often as necessary according to the processing carried out, and always in compliance with the applicable legislation.


Institut national pour le développement
de la formation professionnelle continue

Immeuble Cubus C2
2, rue Peternelchen
L-2370 Howald