There are various initiatives in the Grand Duchy with regard to professional reintegration


Initiation to and guidance for green jobs

For the past 30 years CO-LABOR S.c. has been developing activities in the horticultural, forestry and environmental sector.

All of these activities provide an economic framework and as such create a platform for vocational training which matches the demands of the labour market. CO-LABOR's main objective is professional (re)integration through guidance, qualification and integration into the labour market.

The guiding principle of our actions is to support the people receiving assistance, in line with their capabilities, in gaining the most independent and professional way of life possible. Our activities enable professional integration through work in real situations.

In partnership with the ADEM and the country's various social services, job seekers are recruited as part of a professional integration measure. They are then assigned to different CO-LABOR integration workshops.

  • Reception-consultation-guidance
  • The "Initiation to Work" platform
  • Evaluation, development of career plan, professional skills audit
  • Transitional structure towards the labour market (professional (re)integration activities)
  • Training
  • Biographical reflection and active job search
  • Social supervision
  • Monitoring of alumni in the workplace


Your career partner!

Competence A.s.b.l. is an association whose aim is to help individuals and organisations to develop their skills.

Initially, Competence A.s.b.l. is concentrating above all on the development of job seekers’ skills. The association provides specific support to two types of job seekers who are currently experiencing difficulties in finding a job, namely:

  • under 25-year-olds and
  • people over 45 years of age

Competence A.s.b.l. offers the following services aimed essentially at those two types of job seekers (45+ and -25):

  • Skills audits,
  • Guidance assessments,
  • Boot camps,
  • Training courses,
  • Interventions.

All the services and events proposed may be provided in French, Luxembourgish, German and English.

COSP, Centre d’Orientation Socio-Professionnelle

Guidance measures

The Centre d’Orientation Socio-Professionnelle A.s.b.l (COSP), a not-for-profit association, is a place where job seekers can undergo an assessment process in order to draw up their cross-disciplinary skills audit. They can moreover receive social and technical training as well as personalised social and professional monitoring.

The purposes of the COSP are to:

  • provide stability to job seekers and recognise their value,
  • develop social, behavioural and technical skills,
  • define a social and professional plan,
  • prepare job seekers for working culture,
  • prepare a skills audit for the job seekers to guide them towards the primary job market, a social initiative or any other suitable facility with a view to facilitating their professional integration.

Job seekers undergo a 2-month assessment process at the COPS, while remaining under the authority of the ADEM. Guidance towards various social initiatives is carried out by the ADEM.

Forum pour l'Emploi

Objectives and services

The Forum pour l'Emploi A.s.b.l., a not-for-profit association, has the following objectives:

  • the supervision, initiation and support of initiatives to combat unemployment by promoting the integration of job seekers into the world of work
  • improving the employability of each job seeker through work experience, vocational and social training
  • developing with partners active in employment matters back-to-work projects that promote the reintegration of job seekers mainly in the primary labour market

The Forum pour l'Emploi A.s.b.l. develops back-to-work projects for the people concerned. Back-to-work projects are an opportunity for these unemployed people to gain training, both on the job (learning by doing) and alongside it. The sectors covered by the projects are wide-ranging, and include environment planning, local services and construction.

The purpose of back-to-work projects is to free the unemployed person from his/her isolation, to encourage him/her to re-engage with working life and to help him/her to join the world of work.

The following services are offered:

  • Am Gaertchen: production and sale of vegetables, potted herbs and high-quality plants in accordance with bio-Label standards. Our organic products are sold online at
  • Bummelbus: collects people upon request and drives them comfortably and flexibly to the address of their choice.
  • Holzfrënn: interior, exterior and furniture joinery work.
  • Service to the public: carrying out of all types of small jobs inside and outside the house.
  • Haushëllef: laundry, cleaning, washing, ironing, home collection and delivery of clothes - One-off home cleaning

Initiativ Rëm Schaffen

Tailored support

The Initiativ Rëm Schaffen, a not-for-profit organisation, offers practical help to anyone looking for a job.

The Initiativ Rëm Schaffen regularly offers training for job seekers registered with the Employment agency.

The Initiativ Rëm Schaffen guides and informs those searching for a job, and helps job seekers to set realistic professional objectives. It also offers assistance with writing CVs and cover letters, provides information on openings in the labour market, and helps people to regain confidence in themselves and identify their abilities.

Individual and tailored consultations are provided free-of-charge. The Initiativ Rëm Schaffen is supported by the Ministry of Equal Opportunities, the Ministry of Work, Employment and Social and Solidarity Economy, the City of Luxembourg, the City of Esch-sur-Alzette and the City of Ettelbrück.

NAXI - Centre for training and professional integration for women (Centre de formation et d'insertion professionnelle pour femmes)

Reintegration of women

The NAXI is aimed at adult female job seekers who are registered with the Employment agency.

The purpose of our training is to optimise the occupational profile and to improve the chances of recruitment of the target group. The project's main objective is the direct and sustainable (re)integration of women in the regular labour market.

Training offered:

  • Personal support: in French and Luxembourgish (This training course is approved for pre-qualification for training of social and family assistants by the Ministry for Family Affairs, Integration and the Greater Region)
  • Career plan (Guidance training)
  • Restart (looking for a part-time job for health or other reasons)
  • Washing and ironing workshop (Activity and training with a view to professional reintegration)

The NAXI is aimed at all women who are looking for a job who have interrupted their professional career (for private or family reasons) and/or who do not have a specific career plan.


Reintegration and training

ProActif A.s.b.l.'s social objectives are:

  • social reintegration,
  • vocational reintegration and
  • continuing training.

ProActif's actions and projects aim to create an environment that promotes employment, in order to help job seekers as much as possible to (re)integrate into the labour market; the association works closely with partners who are involved in employment and training.

ProActif provides professional supervision by advisors on social and vocational reintegration, helping the job seeker to overcome any potential obstacles that up to then have prevented him/her from finding a new job.

Back-to-work projects provide an opportunity to learn by doing and also to attend certified vocational training, improving the chances of finding a job on the labour market.

ProActif A.s.b.l. works in the following sectors:

  • Am gaertchen-sud: organic market gardening
  • Construction: masonry work, tiling, upholstery and painting on the interior and exterior of the house
  • Catering
  • Joinery: woodwork, repairs, refurbishment and new wooden constructions
  • Services to the public: small multipurpose jobs involving gardening and cleaning in and around the house


Training and advice

Zarabina A.s.b.l. offers group training as well as individual advice to adults seeking guidance in the areas of working life, continuing training and career.

Since 1995, Zarabina has led the way in training and advice directed towards transferable skills. The not-for-profit association's approach to the labour market is based on tailored strategies that systematically and effectively take into account the constraints of reality and the personal objectives of its female and male clients.

Zarabina's key skills lie in the following areas:

  • Services for the active construction of a career and lifelong learning. Training on the role of "Office-Assistentin" aimed at female job seekers with some secretarial experience.
  • Initiatives pertaining to the recognition of professional and extra-professional skills.
  • Forward-thinking projects in the areas of continuing training, work and career.


co-labor s.c.
1 A, Grevelsbarrière
L-8059 Bertrange

+352 44 78 83 - 1

Competence A.s.b.l.
13-15, Breedewues
L-1259 Senningerberg

+352 28 99 36 69

COSP, Centre d’Orientation Socio-Professionnelle A.s.b.l.
30, rue de Diekirch
L-7440 Lintgen

+352 26 32 42 201

Forum pour l’emploi
20, route d'Ettelbrück
L-9230 Diekirch

+352 80 48 85-1

Initiativ Rëm Schaffen
41, rue de Luxembourg
L-4220 Esch-sur-Alzette

+352 53 23 78

110, Avenue Gaston Diderich
L-1420 Luxembourg

+352 25 02 49

40, Avenue Salentiny
L-9080 Ettelbruck

+352 81 11 71
Naxi, Centre de Formation et d’Insertion Professionnel pour Femmes
49 A, rue du Baerendall
L-8212 Mamer

+352 40 71 51 - 1

ProActif A.s.b.l.
5, rue de Läiteschbaach
L-5324 Contern

+352 27 33 44 1

Zarabina A.s.b.l.
27, rue Emile Mayrisch
L-4240 Esch-sur-Alzette

+352 26 55 12 13 1

37-39, rue Felix de Blochausen
L-1243 Luxembourg

+352 26 55 12 13 60