General information

The Europass is a set of online tools and documents to help you manage your academic and professional career throughout your life. On the Europass platform you can compile your portfolio of skills in a way that is recognised and used in 35 European countries, and find information on employment and training courses throughout Europe.

The Europass is a unique reference tool which helps:

  • citizens communicate and prove their skills and qualifications more effectively when job-hunting or applying for training;
  • employers understand the skills and qualifications of job seekers and hence of their future employees;
  • education and training authorities to provide information on the content of their curricula, promote their training offer on a European scale, and highlight the skills connected with their diplomas.

What does the Europass platform offer?

  • Europass Profile: allows you to manage your own personal academic career in a personal, secure online space that can be accessed in 29 languages.
  • Career management tool: search functions for job vacancies and learning opportunities allow you to apply online, once you have created your Europass CV.
  • Europass digital credentials: for your qualifications to be recognised throughout Europe, tamper-proof digital credentials of your certificates and diplomas make it possible to receive and share in digital form the proof of the qualifications you have obtained from educational or training institutions.
  • Self-assessment of digital skills: allows you to present your digital skills level to potential employers or education and training providers.

Europass documents to present your skills and qualifications

  • Europass Mobility is a personalised document that describes precisely the time you have spent studying, as an intern, or in training in another European country as well as the knowledge and skills you obtained during such mobility periods.
  • The Certificate Supplement describes in detail the results of learning, skills and knowledge acquired by the holders of certificates of vocational education and training.
  • The Diploma Supplement details the specific features of the training undertaken as well as the skills and knowledge acquired by the holders of higher education degrees.

Create your European skills passport online

The online editor will guide you through the creation of your portfolio of skills:

  • Create your Europass profile by noting all your professional experience, training courses and skills
  • Store all the proofs of your skills (degrees, work placement attestations, letters of recommendation, etc.) in your personal secure digital library
  • Receive personalised suggestions for jobs and training courses on the basis of the information in your profile of skills and centres of interest.

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ANEFORE - Agence nationale pour le programme européen d’éducation et de formation tout au long de la vie

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Route de Diekirch
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