S.à r.l.



Types of training provided

off-the-shelf and custom-made course

Other training-related activities

Information, Initial training, Management and organisation consulting, Support - Coaching

Activity area

Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg (All regions)

Language(s) of service


About us

ATE EL is an expert organization, active in the fields of automotive technologies and acoustics. In 2009, ATE EL was granted its accreditation by the Ministry of Transports.

ATE EL is a preferential partner of numerous European and international car manufacturers and assists them to get through the labyrinth of regulations and laws to gain admission to their target markets. Audi, Porsche, Volkswagen, Daimler, Dongfeng and some other 70 manufacturers rely on ATE EL's expertise in technological and administrative matters.

Beside the main activity field of automotive technologies, ATE EL is also active in room and architectural acoustics as well as in Quality Management.

The ATE EL Academy is a logical consequence of our commitment towards personal development, quality, reliability and premium services and gives interested persons and companies the opportunity to develop their skills and competences through custom-made qualification sessions and training courses.

Teaching methods

Chaque formation ou module de formation est posée dans un cadre méthodologique, conceptuel et horaire, laissant aux intervenants et stagiaires une certaine liberté d'action dans la progression pédagogique, au gré des remarques, des discussions et de la dynamique-propre de la séance de formation.
Les formations ne sont pas conçues comme des séances de transfert de savoir "ex cathedra", mais plutôt comme une pédagogie impliquante, interactive et collective adaptée au rythme de progression des stagiaires.

Training domains

Communication, Multimedia
Audiovisual and multimedia
Company management, Human resources
Company management
Construction, Environment, Energy
Construction finishings
Environment Planning
Health, Social action
Health and sanitary sector
Mechanics, Electrical engineering, Automation
Construction and repairs in mechanics
Personal and professional development
Personal and professional development
Quality, Security
Defence, Prevention and Security
Sciences, Social and human sciences
Transport, Handling

Some figures

Beginning of the training activity
Hours of training per year
Attendees per year
Permanent trainer(s)