Commercial contracts (C3054) - Blended learning

Blended learning

Who is the training for?

Anyone seeking to develop their general and professional knowledge required to apply for and take on senior positions in law firms and/or private sector companies. Versatile candidates, motivated to complete their legal training in order to promote their professional progress, are encouraged to sign in for this course. Any person having the intellectual curiosity to learn the mechanisms governing the functioning of one of the principal drivers of modern enterprises and vehicles connecting the global economy


23,00 day(s)

10 weeks, 1 x 2 ¼ hours/week

Language(s) of service





  • Becoming familiar with the legal environment of enterprises and the role of contracts therein.
  • Understanding the functioning of enterprises operating in a national, European and international context.
  • Mastering the general rules and structures underpinning contractual mechanisms, in particular vis-à-vis the pre-contractual negotiation phase, the formation, contents and effects of contract, and the pathology of contracts and compensation for damages.
  • Learning the general mechanisms governing the main contracts.
  • Measuring the scope of the contractual commitments entered by an enterprise.
  • Identifying (and minimizing) the main legal and financial risks faced by enterprises and
  • Reviewing the rationale and scope of the limits to contractual freedom imposed by the rules on consumer's protection and competition.


Le contenu est identique aux objectifs d'apprentissage pour cette formation.

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