Negotiating Skills

Inter-company training

Who is the training for?

Anyone who is involved in negotiating.

Level reached



1,00 day(s)

Language(s) of service



By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • research and prepare a negotiation effectively
  • define clear negotiation objectives, including a BATNA (Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement)
  • evaluate their counterparties through verbal and non-verbal communication
  • establish and maintain a positive negotiating environment
  • identify trading currencies
  • bid, bargain and close a deal
  • manage the emotional dimension of negotiations
  • apply methods such as linkage, minimising and alternatives
  • consolidate the results of a negotiation


Win-win negotiating is a process by which two counterparties identify mutually acceptable decisions and agree outcomes that define the nature of their future interactions. It is a process that normally means starting with one position and then giving it up to move to another one.
Even though negotiating skills are vital, many people feel uncomfortable negotiating a win-win solution and prefer to use other tactics such as competition, accommodation or avoidance. The results of an unsuccessful negotiation may not be apparent immediately, but they normally impact the long-term relationship between the counterparties. A win-win solution, on the other hand, improves their long-term

The objective of this course is to show participants how to achieve a win-win solution through negotiating. The course is targeted at anyone who has to negotiate with suppliers or customers, regardless whether they are internal or external. Part of the course is actually preparing and conducting a negotiation.

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