Risk Management - Governance and Organisation of Risk Management for Funds

Betribsiwwergräifend Formatioun

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Financial service professionals who want to gain a good understanding of governance and organisation and their impact on risk management for funds.


8,00 Stonn(en)

Sprooch(e) vun der Déngschtleeschtung


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With increasing regulation for funds, governance has become extremely important. For that reason, this course explores the link between risk and governance in the fund industry. The course also covers organisational aspects and their impact on risk and governance for funds.

  • Understand governance and its importance for the fund industry
  • Evaluate the impact of organisation on funds and its relationship with governance
  • Analyse the players in the fund industry and their importance for effective governance
  • Understand the importance of processes, procedures and policies in determining fund organisation


  • Introduction
  • Governance
    • Players in the fund industry
      • ManCo/AIFM/Supervisory Board
      • ManCo/AIFM/Board of Directors
      • Senior Management / Conducting Officers
      • Risk Manager
    • Optimal Governance for funds
    • Risk profile
      • Definition
      • Implementation
      • Management
  • Organisation
    • Processes, procedures and policies
      • Processes - reporting
      • Procedures
      • Policies
    • Internal control system (3 Lines of Defence)
      • Business lines
      • Risk Management
      • Audit
    • Organisation chart
      • Operating models for ManCos
      • Operating models for AIFMs
      • Interaction
      • Reporting lines
  • Impact of Governance and organisation on Risk in the fund industry
  • Future trends

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