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Human resources

Last update : 22.07.2020


Human resources administration (payroll, employment contracts etc.) and human resources development (skills management, conducting interviews etc.).

Formacode® training area - Thésaurus de l'offre de formation
Source: Centre INFFO, 2020

Inquire training offers and training providers of this domain


Company mediation (7)

Company social strategy (8)

       Company league tables (2)

              Social report (1)

Employee integration (18)

Expatriation and impatriation (10)

Human resources audits (3)

Interview techniques (38)

       Evaluation interviews (14)

       Professional interview techniques (5)

       Recruitment interview techniques (13)

Knowledge management (3)

Personnel administration (143)

       Election in companies (3)

       Employment contracts (11)

       Laying off (3)

       Planned redundancy scheme (1)

       Recruitment (33)


       System of remuneration (51)

Personnel establishments skills planning (18)

Personnel evaluations (11)


Retirement (8)

Social security (1)

Temporary work

Working hours management (26)

       Reducing working hours

       Remote working (20)

Working relations (6)

       Industrial conflict (1)

       Industrial negotiations

       Personnel representation (3)

              Social and economic committee

              Trade union representation