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Women in reskilling 2.0


The priority of the project is the development of entrepreneurial skills for adult learners who are involved in or have a business idea to implement.

Supporting the professional development of trainers in the field of EDA - Adult Education, especially with regard to the target audience of "adult learners", thus women.


  • Reducing the Digital Gender Gap through the acquisition of soft skills and digital skills for unemployed (job-seeking) or unemployed (not working and not looking for work) women, fostering continuing education with specific programs for women at risk of being excluded from digital innovation or to facilitate their entry into the world of work, with special attention to women with disabilities and in economically and socially disadvantaged conditions (long-term unemployed)
  • Developing the competence of entrepreneurship (problem solving, self-awareness, adaptability, spirit of initiative, etc.) understood as a mind-set that enables the implementation of a business idea and/or improves employability
  • Providing more inclusive training opportunities, to employed and unemployed women, that enable permanence in the labor market and access to new workforce through European mobility experience that would otherwise be precluded to them
  • Innovate the training system on new teaching methodologies.
  • Support the development of trainers' language skills in EDA - Adult Education.

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