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Webinar – Mastering SCADA - ISA112 SCADA Life cycle and Architecture Insights

University of Luxembourg Competence Centre
Luxembourg Digital Innovation Hub
16h00 - 17h00
Umeldung obligatoresch

Jaruwan Mesit

+352 26 15 92 42

As part of our mission in the Luxembourg Digital Innovation Hub, we have the pleasure to invite you to an online webinar about "Mastering SCADA: ISA112 SCADA Life cycle and Architecture Insights".


In summer 2022, the ISA112 SCADA Systems Standards Committee released the second draft of its new ISA112 SCADA Systems Management Life cycle. This life cycle, covering project concepts through commissioning and operations, includes eight core activity groups with individual work processes. These groups provide a framework for long-term SCADA systems management. Since 2017, the life cycle has been widely adopted by utilities for both project-based and long-term management.

The SCADA functional architecture, similar to the Purdue Enterprise Reference Architecture (PERA) model, describes the integration of system elements from sensors to business enterprises. It supports scalable systems from small local setups to thousands of connections, including IoT and cloud integration.


  • Overview of the ISA112 SCADA Systems Management Life cycle
  • Core Activity Groups and Work Processes
  • SCADA Functional Architecture and PERA Comparison
  • Scalability and Integration of IoT and Cloud Functions
  • Standards for Successful SCADA Deployment


  • Ian Verhappen, Manager Security and Safety at Willowglen Systems

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