Training cycle - Leadership & Change

Betribsiwwergräifend Formatioun

U wie riicht sech d'Formatioun?

Anyone who exercises a daily function as a middle manager

Erreechten Niveau



10,00 Dag(Deeg)

The course is divided into 5 modules of 2 days each over a period of 3 months. The planned pace and duration of the training course is based on our recommendations.

Sprooch(e) vun der Déngschtleeschtung


Nächst Sessioun


In today's ever-changing world, the only constant is change

In order to increase the efficiency and performance of employees, while also maintaining their commitment levels, the role of a manager has now evolved from managing tasks to steering and leading his/her team in a context of change.

The "leadership & change" training course prepares you to deal with this context and allows you to:

  • Improve your technical and human management skills
  • Develop the capacity and the will to act upon and accompany change


Module 1: Developing leadership in management

  • Understanding your role as a manager
  • Mobilising your team based on a vision and the meaning you attribute to it
  • Discovering your leadership style and understanding how to adjust it to the different levels of autonomy of your team members
  • Using your leadership to increase your relational power and influence
  • Understanding the most common cognitive biases

Module 2: Motivating, engaging and leading in a VUCA context (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity)

  • Leading your team with the help of a variety of different managerial techniques
  • Navigating between face-to-face and remote management
  • Fostering motivation and commitment in your team
  • Understanding how to use different communication modes
  • Discovering your communication style and adapting it to different situations

Module 3: Managerial innovation

  • Experimenting with collective intelligence
  • Becoming a driving force for innovation
  • Knowing how to align your team to a common objective
  • Understanding mistakes as levers for collective progress

Module 4: Managing your team in a climate of change

  • Leading your team through the 5 key stages of a change project
  • Learning to understand how we behave when faced with change
  • Creating a transitional "space" to ensure your team that is willing to support the change and will play an active role in it
  • Playing an active roll in the decision making process

Module 5: Knowing yourself to manage others

  • Identifying strengths and weaknesses based on different type of intelligence (B-Talent questionnaire)
  • Understanding the two thinking modes activated in our brains
  • Using Mindful Leadership and Emotional Intelligence to become more adaptable

Pedagogesch Methoden

To facilitate the learning process, MindForest Group integrates transmissive and collaborative methods (practice, exercises, feedback), otherwise known as action learning, into its teaching approach.


A leadership self-assessment questionnaire will be used at the start and end of the training course in order to measure and understand individual progress. A follow-up on the integration and application of the new behavioural models, tools and methods can

Certificat, Diplom

Attendance certificate

Kontakt fir dës Formatioun

Laurence Folz & Sophie Koyanagi

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