PHP and MySQL Web Development (C1613) - Blended learning

Blended learning

À qui s'adresse la formation?

Anyone wishing to learn how to create dynamic websites using MySQL database and PHP and to extending their knowledge of PHP by using it with MySQL.


30,00 heure(s)

Langues(s) de prestation


Prochaine session


Successful completion of the module "Concepts of creating dynamic web pages using PHP" (C1612E) or proof of equivalent certified knowledge.


  • Understand the purpose and operations of relational databases.
  • Create databases and tables using a management system for the MySQL database.
  • Become familiar with management tools for creating and managing databases and tables.
  • Learn how to use databases in web development.
  • Apply data structures for optimal use with MySQL.
  • Insert, modifying and deleting data in MySQL.
  • Use data queries when creating web pages.
  • Apply PHP and MySQL in order to create a simple website that uses a database.


  • Installing the software locally. Netbeans. The first project.
  • Tables. Primary key. Foreign keys. Indexes.
  • phpMyAdmin. MySQL field types.
  • SQL - Structured Query Language. SELECT. Conditions, JOIN.
  • Inserting data into a table. Updating. Deleting.
  • PHP and MySQL. Connecting the database.
  • Addind and modifying data with PHP.
  • SELECT and mysqli_query.
  • Simple Login system.
  • The final project description. Debuging.

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