Introduction to Cybersecurity (C1521) - Blended learning

Blended learning

À qui s'adresse la formation?

Anyone wishing to learn about the world of Internet security and who want to be literate in the field. Or for any professional responsible for security and privacy of company or customer systems.


15,00 heure(s)

Langues(s) de prestation


Prochaine session




  • Learn what cybersecurity is and its potential impact to you
  • Understand the most common threats, attacks and vulnerabilities.
  • Learn how to protect your personal data and privacy online and in socialmedia, and why more and more IT jobs require cybersecurity awareness and understanding.
  • Learn what cybersecurity is and what it means for you personally and professionally.
  • Learn how to be safe online by understanding the most common threats, attacks and vulnerabilities.
  • Find out how businesses protect their operations from cyber-attacks


Le contenu est identique aux objectifs d'apprentissage pour cette formation.

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