Hiring of a Staff Member (Personnel Administration Module 1)

Blended learning

À qui s'adresse la formation?

Managers and HR Employees

Niveau atteint



3,50 heure(s)

Langues(s) de prestation


Prochaine session


This seminar gives participants a practical overview on compulsory procedures and forms to be used in case of hiring new staff and helps participants choose the most efficient, flexible and cost-effective way of staffing.


General aspects
  • Status of Staff Member
  • Indexation of Salaries and Social Minimum Salary
Labour Administration (Agence pour le développement de l’Emploi - ADEM)
  • Notification of vacancies
  • Formalities for hiring somebody from outside the EU
  • Financial Aids proposed by ADEM
  • Incentive for unemployed people to accept a job less well-paid than their previous one
  • Subventions for disabled employees and incentives to hire unemployed people difficult to replace
Different types of employment
  • Permanent Contract
  • Fixed-term Contract
  • Temporary workers
  • Students
  • Interns/Trainees
  • Contractors
  • Which Type of Contract?
    • Advantages and disadvantages of the different contracts
    • Costs of the employer
    • Recruitment and integration costs
Employment contract

The different types of contracts (unlimited, limited)

  • Compulsory clauses in the contract
  • Trial period
  • Part-time contracts
  • Compulsory examination by an occupational physician
Compulsory declarations to social security
  • Declaration of entry
  • Registration of family members with social security
Employee induction and integration period
  • Formalities of the first working day
  • Welcoming by the department
  • Onboarding
  • Evaluation of the performance during the trial period
Questions and answers

Certificat, diplôme

Certificate of Participation handed out at the end of the session

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Ressources humaines - Administration personnel - Système rémunération