Audit and Compliance (C6049)

Formation inter-entreprise

À qui s'adresse la formation?

Professionals in the financial sector, or interested to work in the financial sector; willing to know how to design and implement a proper enterprise risk management system with a focus on governance, and key internal control functions approach and tools.


25,00 heure(s)

Langues(s) de prestation


Prochaine session

Chambre des salariés - LLLC




None. However it is recommended to have good knowledge of any kind of legislative module.


  • Comply with the key rules of a proper enterprise governance.
  • Comply with the international standards in matter of risk assessment.
  • Know how to implement a proper enterprise risk management system.
  • Develop key tools for a tailored-made a risk based approach.
  • Know how to design and communicate a control program.
  • Compliancewith the EU AML/CTF requirements as transposed in Luxembourg.
  • Design an internal audit strategy to check the effectiveness of the before mentioned compliance.


  • Introduction to the key principles for a proper and sound enterprise governance.
  • Introduction to the internal control system and its key functions.
  • Introduction to the international standards in matter of the enterprise risk management framework.
  • Introduction to a risk mapping model.
  • How to design a proper methodology of risk assessment.
  • How to develop a tailored-made risk approach.
  • How to develop a proper strategy of control and design a monitoring plan.
  • How to design an efficient testing/control.
  • How to communicate the results of the monitoring plan.
  • Practical case.

Prochaine session

Language & prix

Chambre des salariés - LLLC
EN 180,00€

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