GDPR advanced (e-learning)


À qui s'adresse la formation?

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1,00 heure(s)

60 mins (35 mins interacting with the digital contents of the course + 40 questions to reinforce the learning experience)

Langues(s) de prestation


Prochaine session


Train your employees in the new requirements using PwC's Academy e-learning modules of EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Our e-learning course ensures that your organisation gains advanced knowledge, enabling compliance with the regulation's requirements.

PwC's Academy is constantly evolving towards a more digital learning approach. We aim to empower our learners to adapt the learning experiences to their own pace.

Similar to our GDPR essentials course, the GDPR advanced course consists of small, bite-sized courses, organised in accordance with the GDPR articles. Engaging videos break down larger and more complex topics into interactive modules. providing learners with a unique learning experience.

The modules also include relevant knowledge checks, tests, and feedback based on the user's answers.

Advantages of the e-learning:

  • Time/cost effective learning
  • Immersive and trendy learning approach – you will have the full attention of your learners
  • Consistency of content delivery to all users
  • Flexibility: learn anytime, anywhere! (tablets, phone, laptop, etc.)
  • Detailed monitoring of results


  • Information to be provided to the data subject
  • Right of access
  • Right to rectification
  • Right to erasure
  • Right to restriction
  • Right to data portability
  • Right to objectRight to object to automated decision-making (profiling)
  • Definition of data controller and data processor
  • Data processing agreements
  • Supervisory authority
  • Notification of breach of personal data security
  • Data protection impact assessment (DPIA)
  • Security of processing
  • Privacy by design and privacy by default

Mode d'organisation

We deploy our e-learning solution as from 10 individual licences.

  • From 10 to 50 participants: 100 EUR
  • From 51 to 150 participants: 95 EUR
  • From 151 to 300 participants: 80 EUR
  • More than 300 participants: 70 EUR

Informations supplémentaires

This digital learning has been designed with the support and collaboration of Antonin Jakubse, Senior Manager at PwC Luxembourg.

Since joining PwC, Antonin developed an expertise on the General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR") as well as in project management skills, delivering various types of projects ranging from gap analysis to implementation, ensuring a timely delivery of the project and a high level of engagement of all involved stakeholders. He is the solution driver for the privacy (incl. GDPR) topics, supporting the partner in charge to develop business relationships with existing and new clients.

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