iPhone Security Essentials MasterClass


À qui s'adresse la formation?

  • Private individuals
  • Business owners & self-employed professionals

If you work for a large enterprise and your only smartphone was provided by your employer, then your device may already have some restrictions in place through a MDM solution (not covered in this course). If you have some doubts, the best is to contact your IT department for guidance before signing up for this course.

Niveau atteint



4,25 heure(s)

4 hours and 15 minutes split into 3 videos

Langues(s) de prestation


Prochaine session




iPhone running at least iOS 15


Since the birth of the iPhone in 2007, the smartphone has become our mobile device of choice, allowing us to be more connected and productive than ever.

With these extremely powerful mini-computers in our pockets, containing private, confidential, and sometimes sensitive data, it has evolved into an increasing target for hackers and governmental agencies alike from all over the globe. And with more than 1 billion iPhones in use, it's easy to understand why smartphone users are likely to be targeted.

Therefore, it is important to understand the major threat vectors as well as how to reduce the risks of our iPhone getting hacked.

At the end of this workshop, you will learn:
  • The risks involved with having your iPhone hacked
  • The different attack vectors specific to iPhone security
  • The Top 5 iPhone security mistakes and their mitigations
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This course is split into 3 modules:

Module 1: iPhone Security Risks (1h20)
  • The 3 components of smartphone security
  • The main motivations of hackers
  • Eight ways hackers make money
Module 2: iPhone attack vectors (1h25)
  • The 3 main iPhone attack vectors
  • 7 signs your iPhone has been compromised
Module 3: iPhone security mistakes and mitigations (1h32)
  • The top 5 mistakes that most iPhone owners make
  • What to do tohackerproof your iPhone

Méthodes pédagogiques

In addition to the videos, a fillable workbook in PDF format is offered to facilitate the knowledge acquisition.


No formal evaluation

Certificat, diplôme

A certificate of completion will be prepared upon explicit request.

Informations supplémentaires

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: For how long will I have access to this?

You'll have lifetime access to the replay videos.

If at some point, I decide to move to another platform, I will contact you and give you a way to access them there.

Q: How will I be able to consume this content?

You'll be able to consume this content either from a web browser or the Gumroad mobile application:

  • iPhone: https://apps.apple.com/app/gumroad/id916819108
  • Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gumroad.app
Q: Will I be able to download the replay videos?

No, you'll only be able to stream the videos from the Gumroad web portal or mobile application.

Q: Do you offer refunds?

Yes, provided that you have watched the 3 replay videos in their entirety within the first 30 days after the purchase.

Under these conditions, if you feel you didn't get the value you were expecting, then contact me and I'll refund you.

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