Training for tutors in the context of company apprenticeships

Formation inter-entreprise

À qui s'adresse la formation?

Tutors of apprenticeship working in English language or with English-speaking apprentices.


22,00 heure(s)

Langues(s) de prestation


Prochaine session


As part of the Luxemburgish vocational training framework and in accordance with the law of 19th December 2018, the training company ("Entreprise formatrice") shall appoint one or more tutors to follow and train an apprentice throughout his years of apprenticeship.
This training is compulsory for any company wishing to obtain the right to train ("Droit de former").

The tutor is responsible for the integration, practical training, evaluation and pedagogical supervision of the apprentice. He/She has an essential role in the relationship with the Chamber of Commerce and the apprentice's school concerning all practical and professional aspects of the apprenticeship.

With this training course, the tutors-to-be acquire the necessary legislative knowledge, pedagogical and personal soft skills in order to successfully fulfill his/her mission.
The training is very interactive and allows tutors-to-be to meet, exchange and interact with peers.

At the end of the training, the participant will be able to:

  • Understand the tutor's mission and his/her different roles
  • Know how to facilitate the integration of the apprentice in his/her company and in the professional world in general
  • Use its competencies to develop a trustful and fruitful relationship with apprentices (interpersonal, communication, and pedagogical skills)
  • Organise and build a suitable training programme


Programme - DAY 1
  • The importance of tutor
    • Key roles for apprenticeship
    • Skills and competences required
  • Initial tasks and best practices
    • Recruiting the apprentice
    • Welcoming and integrating an apprentice into a company
  • Who are today's apprentices?
    • Generational diversity
    • Context and social environment
  • How to create and develop the tutor-apprentice relationship
    • Facilitating trust
    • The foundations of a partnership
    • Expectations, rights and obligations
  • Self-awareness and adapting to each other better
    • Motivating and supervising on a daily basis
    • Accompanying and monitoring
Programme - DAY 2
  • Mastering the tutor's pedagogical duties
    • Training, supervising and evaluating
  • How to train and facilitate skills’ transfer?
    • Strategies and means
    • Approaches that facilitate learning
    • The difficulties of learning
  • Structuring and managing apprenticeship
    • Defining objectives to be achieved
    • Stages of progression
  • Teaching attitudes
    • How to communicate well
    • How to manage conflict in a positive way
Programme - DAY 3 - Evaluating the apprentice (online session)
  • The competency-based approach
  • Understanding the competency framework
  • The legal framework and its key applications
  • Facilitating the acquisition of professional competences at work
  • Understand how to evaluate the apprentice
  • Attitudes for an objective evaluation
  • Follow-up and implementation of training objectives
  • Exchange on challenging situations and possible solutions
  • Final assessment and action plans
  • Promote exchange and good practice between participants
  • Discuss and answer specific questions

The walking lunch gives you the opportunity to get to know the people of the "Formation Professionnelle Initiale" of Chamber of Commerce and to exchange with them.

Points abordés

Theoretical content, pedagogical games, videos, group discussions, case studies, role play…

The training will be delivered in English but the training material will be provided in French.

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