Personal Data and Information Security - Legal Stakes and New EU Rules

Formation inter-entreprise

À qui s'adresse la formation?

  • Compliance officers and Risk managers
  • Managers
  • IT managers
  • Information security officers


1,00 jour(s)

Langues(s) de prestation


Prochaine session


No prerequisites necessary


Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be informed on:

  • Luxembourg and EU data protection rules
  • how to make their organisation compliant
  • practical issues and situations, and impact in terms of internal organisation
  • applicable EU (GDPR) and Luxembourg (Law of 1 August 2018) rules
  • Data protection basic principles
  • How to become and remain compliant
  • Monitoring of employees
  • Cross-border data transfers
  • Legal requirements in terms of information security and means of defense


This course provides an introduction to LU/EU data protection rules,how to make your organisation compliant,practical issues and situations, and impact in terms of internal organisation.

Certificat, diplôme

DLH Certificate of Participation

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