Introduction to requirements & business analysis

Formation inter et intra-entreprise

À qui s'adresse la formation?

This course is intended for anyone with an interest in understanding the requirements engineering process.

Niveau atteint



1,00 jour(s)

Langues(s) de prestation


Prochaine session


Your expectations

  • Have a global understanding of the challenges, activities and evolutions in the requirements engineering field
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What will you learn?

  • The role, skills and value of the requirements engineer/business analyst in both the Agile “change driven” philosophy as well as in the traditional Waterfall “plan driven” approach
  • Understand the requirements core activities in both change driven and plan driven project:
  • Elicitation: see why it is critical to properly gather requirements
  • Documentation: understand the different approaches to formalize requirements
  • Validation: make sure requirements will deliver the expected business value
  • Management: learn how changing requirements can be handled in projects

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