Implementation of compensation and benefits policy

Formation intra-entreprise

À qui s'adresse la formation?

  • Anyone who is or could be involved in a compensation and benefits area.

Niveau atteint



4,00 heure(s)

Langues(s) de prestation


Prochaine session


A compensation and benefits strategy is of critical value in human resources management, requiring a good understanding and an adapted approach.

This training is designated for those who want to go one step further and develop a remuneration strategy aligned with corporate strategic objectives. It aims to support values by driving the right behaviors and improve retention, development and attraction of talent through a unique and rewarding journey.

  • Ensure your company’s remuneration policy remains fit for purpose, non-discriminatory, clear and fair for your staff.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

  • describe the challenges, the fundamental principles and drivers of an effective remuneration strategy;
  • document and develop a compensation and benefits policy;
  • understand the conceptual framework for the remuneration policy in the HR context of their organisation;
  • tailor the employee value proposition (EVP) in a way that increases individual engagement;
  • understand the importance of adequate communication of the remuneration policy and EVP.


Using an interactive approach, this workshop contents:

  • Develop your practices - How to enrich the content of your remuneration policy with target, incentive, performance management process and assessment criteria
  • Align to your strategic objectives - How to improve your remuneration strategy and bring into line your company values and behaviours
  • Implement and increase awareness of your remuneration strategy - How to promote your remuneration policy across the company and deal with employee concerns in a professional and confidential manner. Provide relevant reporting
  • Models of compensation benefits - Fixed or variable remuneration, most common benefits in Luxembourg

Certificat, diplôme

An attendance certificate will be sent to participants.

Informations supplémentaires

This training is coordinated by Vinciane Istace, Partner at PwC Luxembourg and delivered by People and Organisation experts.

Vinciane has been with PwC for more than 30 years and became head of the firm’s HR department in 2003 after having worked as an Auditor and Chartered Accountant. In her executive role of human capital partner then leader, she structured PwC HR operational capabilities, and co-designed and deployed the firm’s HR strategy.

She is currently the leader of the People and Process Outsourcing (“PPO”) practice, proposing assistance to our clients in the field of payroll, immigration and HR administration driven by high quality standards and of the People and Organisation (P&O) team, providing HR advisory services from HR strategic design to implementation.

She also has the privilege of acting as the Diversity and Inclusion leader for PwC Luxembourg. In that role, she ensures the deployment of the D&I ambition.

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