Fund Governance Masterclass

Formation inter-entreprise

À qui s'adresse la formation?

Tout public

Niveau atteint



80,00 heure(s)

Langues(s) de prestation


Prochaine session


One week before the training, participants will receive a pack setting the overall course context and with certain pre-read materials.


The Masterclass builds on previous ILA training programs and is designed for experienced fund directors to learn how to react to challenging and abnormal situations that they may face from time to time. The demanding case studies presented will also test board cohesion and competence. The course will be run as a series of case studies reflecting real life examples in a “role play” type of format. There will be no black or white solutions offered, but best practice techniques and considerations will be identified in debrief discussions.


The case studies are based on the board of a super ManCo located in Luxembourg managing multiple funds across a variety of different asset classes. The case studies are built around the following scenarios:

  • Managing market disruption
  • Managing difficult related party transactions and conflicts of interest
  • Managing major disagreements in investment decisions
  • Managing an unusual KYC / AML incident
  • Managing an incidence of fraud
  • Managing a Cyber Attack and IT security incident

Méthodes pédagogiques

This course is structured around three boards operating as a team and reacting to external events as they unfold.

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