Thriving locally: The future of commerce in a digital age (S-CM0039)

Betribsiwwergräifend Formatioun

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8,00 Dag(Deeg)

1 day

Sprooch(e) vun der Déngschtleeschtung


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Know how to position local commerce as a strong alternative to global giants, find your niche, and effectively impact your community.


In this workshop, we'll explore the evolution of commerce and craft a forward-looking strategy to help you thrive locally in an increasingly digital world.

We’re facing major changes: the European Green Deal, evolving post-pandemic consumer behavior, and global corporate dominance. Navigating this new landscape demands courage, open-mindedness, creativity and sharp strategic skills:

  • A journey through commerce and the possible next steps.
  • The power of targeting and values.
  • The other side of overconsumption and low-price goods from an economic, ecological and social perspective.
  • The power of human touch and quality.
  • Phygitalization: why and how to blend physical and digital commercial strategies.

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