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Bridging the digital skill gaps in Europe


As the world rushes towards an increasingly digital future, the disparity between the skills required by modern industries and those possessed by the workforce is widening. This phenomenon, known as the digital skill gap, is a critical challenge for businesses, educational institutions, and governments alike. Addressing this gap requires not only a rethinking of traditional education and training models but also a controversial shift towards proactive and future-oriented competence management in Europe.


The digital skill gap refers to the disconnect between the capabilities of the current workforce and the competencies needed to thrive in a digital economy. Technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, and the Internet of Things (IoT) are reshaping industries and societies, creating a demand for new skills that many employees and even leaders lack.

Back in 2019, the World Economic Forum (WEF) had already predicted that 50% of employees would require a change in core competencies. Various other studies have confirmed this trend and there is still a long way to go before the target is reached. Unfortunately, it is also becoming increasingly apparent that there is a social divide with regard to the understanding of digital technologies. This is not only a problem for the job market, but also socially problematic. However, the digital skill gap is not solely about technical know-how. It encompasses a broader range of competencies, including curiosity, creativity, problem-solving, or analytical and holistic thinking. This multidimensional nature of the skill makes it quite challenging to bridge it, demanding comprehensive and forward-thinking strategies.


Competence management refers to the systematic approach to identifying, developing, and utilizing the skills and talents of current and future employees.

"In the context of the digital skill gap, competence management must evolve to be future-oriented, focusing not just on current needs but anticipating future trends and requirements".

One controversial yet necessary shift in competence management is the prioritization of lifelong learning.

"Traditional education models, which emphasize front-loaded learning followed by a career, are increasingly obsolete".

Instead, a continuous learning model, supported by both employers and educational institutions, is crucial. Employers should offer regular training programs, micro-credentials, and opportunities for professional development, while educational institutions need to integrate more flexible, frequently updated curricula.


"Moreover, the implementation of AI in competence management can offer personalized learning experiences, tailored to the unique needs of each person".

These technologies can analyse an individual’s current skills, predict future skill requirements, and provide customized training pathways. While some critics argue that this reliance on AI could lead to over-automation and a loss of human touch, the benefits in terms of efficiency and precision are undeniable.


Also multifaceted upskilling measures are necessary that address all employees throughout companies to bring them to a common starting point and understanding of a learning organization when creating programmes to prevent skill gaps. Exemplary such measures are the award-winning 3D Learning World for Digitalization from BMW or the unique peer-to-peer digitalization upskilling program Go Digital by Schaeffler.


The controversy in addressing the digital skill gap often revolves around who should bear the responsibility for training and upskilling the workforce. On one hand, there is a strong argument that employers, who directly benefit from a skilled workforce, should invest heavily in employee development. On the other hand, some highlight that it is the role of educational institutions and governments to ensure that citizens are prepared for the demands of the modern job market. Or is it the individual himself who is responsible?

"To effectively bridge the digital skill gap, a multi-faceted and inclusive approach is required".

Public-private partnerships can play a crucial role in creating robust training ecosystems that benefit all stakeholders. Businesses need to constantly invest in employee development, educational institutions must overhaul outdated curricula, governments should facilitate policies that encourage lifelong learning and skill development. And not to forget: especially in a very formally oriented Europe, each one of us needs a mindset shift that it is not done with prominent degrees, but that it is everyone’s responsibility to never stop learning.

Furthermore, the emphasis should not only be on technical skills but also on fostering a culture of adaptability and continuous learning. As technology continues to evolve, the most valuable employees will be those who can quickly learn and apply new skills.


Dr. Philipp V. Ramin is CEO of i40 – the future skills company. i40 trains more than 750.000 learners in companies worldwide from more than 14 industries in more than 50 future skills in 20 languages and has received the eLearning Award 2022 and 2023 and 2024 as well as "Top 10 Corporate Online Training Companies in Europe 2024" Award from the US magazine Manage HR. In addition to his role as CEO of, Philipp is a member of the Supervisory Board of the BarthHaas Group, Academic Director for the Fachwirt in Digitalization at Frankfurt School of Finance and Management and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Samhammer AG. Furthermore, Philipp Ramin is editor and co-author of the handbook Digital Competence Development and the book Digital Competence and Future Skills – how companies prepare themselves for the digital future published by Hanser Verlag and co-host of the Digikompetenz Podcast, which is ranked among the top 10% most distributed podcasts worldwide by Spotify and invites weekly guests from Germany and abroad to discuss digital skills, future skills, digital transformation, cyber security and sustainability.


With over 750.000 learners in companies worldwide, more than 50 topics and learning content in 20 languages, i40 – the future skills company is the leading international future skills and learning solution provider for digital transformation, AI, sustainability, cybersecurity, Industry 4.0 and Manufacturing X. In 2022, i40 was honoured with the prestigious eLearning Journal Award Project of the Year together with Continental and again in 2023 won the eLearning Award Project of the Year for a 3D learning world for the digital transformation for BMW Group. Together with the Schaeffler Group, i40 won the 2024 eLearning Award in the Video category. In 2024, I40 – the future skills company was also awarded the "Top 10 Corporate Online Training Companies in Europe 2024″ by the US magazine Manage HR.

The Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition comes from an initiative from the European Commission with the Member States.
The main goal of creating coalitions is to bring together the Member States, companies, social partners, non-profit organisations and education providers, who take action to promote digital skills in Europe.

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Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition