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Main results - Education, Youth, Culture and Sport Council, 23-24 November 2023



Common European values and democratic citizenship

Education ministers started their meeting by approving conclusions on the contribution of education and training to strengthening common European values and democratic citizenship.

The protection of the values that we share as Europeans and the importance of democratic citizenship are the very backbone of our societies and an utmost priority for the Spanish presidency. Today, we reaffirm the role of education in shaping active, engaged and creative citizens.

Pilar Alegria, Spanish Minister for Education, Vocational Training and Sport

These conclusions put the focus on what education ministers consider as a crucial task of our education and training systems: their role in promoting the values that bind Europeans together, in shaping citizens who are active and well-informed, equipped with critical thinking and able to engage in democratic, fair, sustainable and digital societies.

The Council’s conclusions highlight the vital role of education and training in shaping the future of Europe, as well as the need to anticipate, adapt and respond appropriately to new political, social, cultural and technological challenges.

Digital skills and competences and an education fit for the digital era

Education ministers adopted two recommendations, on the key enabling factors for successful digital education and training and on improving the provision of digital skills and competences.

Digital skills and competences need to be accessible to the entire population, across all age groups and backgrounds. And every school, every education and training institution should duly take into account both the risks and opportunities that technology brings about.

Pilar Alegría, Spanish Minister for Education, Vocational Training and Sport

The Council recommendation on the key enabling factors for successful digital education and training addresses the need to create more and better opportunities for learning and teaching for everyone in the digital age. It highlights the role of teachers and educators in the path towards digital transformation and supports investing in digital equipment, infrastructure and training for all teaching and support staff.

The Council recommendation on improving the provision of digital skills and competences in education and training sets out measures for the development of digital skills and competences at all levels (schools, vocational education and training, higher education, adult learning) and for all groups of the population (e.g. young people, adults and professionals).

Attracting female talent to science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics

Education ministers discussed ways to break gender stereotypes and to make science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics (STEAM) more attractive for girls and young women. Ministers exchanged views on the biggest challenges in reducing the gender gap in STEAM disciplines. They highlighted initiatives launched, both at national and European level, to tackle the gender imbalance in this context.

During the discussion, many ministers drew attention to the fact that gender equality is a key factor in creating stronger, more sustainable, more competitive, and more inclusive economies. The need to take action from an early age, in order to prevent the consolidation of social and cultural stereotypes, was also put into focus. They also underlined the need to boost girls’ confidence and motivation, including by promoting role models in the sector and making them more visible.

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Council of the European Union