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New Leadership Development Cycle


Articles regularly feature the now famous quote by Marcus Buckingham "employees leave managers, not companies".

Even if this quote may not reflect all situations, middle managers are generally the connection between driving profits and supporting and developing their teams. Therefore, training and support for these managers is emerging as a strategic tool for success.

Many employees are promoted, because they excel at a specific task, but this does not mean they have people management skills … in fact many companies overlook the need for management training until problems arise.

For this reason, and combined with its 20+ years’ experience of working with a wide range of companies, MindForest has conceived a complete training cycle comprising three elements:

  1. A personality assessment with feedback session
  2. A series of 5 training sessions
  3. A series of 6 coaching sessions

The alternation between the two approaches (managerial development and coaching) enables the participant to acquire a combination of behavioural, emotional and communication skills through an individual approach tailored to each manager.

The training cycle comprises the following elements:

  • Introduction to coaching and presentation of the DISC personality test
  • Introduction to role profiles
  • Developing your leadership presence
  • Communicating effectively as a manager
  • Managing your team effectively
  • Summing up and looking to the future

Are you curious to learn more about this approach?

Please contact:

to arrange a call to discuss your requirements and how we can help you to perfect your management and leadership skills.

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