7 key indicators for your financial balance sheets Do you think you have your balance sheets under control? Did you know that a balance sheet can look great while hiding cash flow pitfalls? These often invisible errors can have a major impact on your strategic decisions. In this one-hour webinar, Mathias SCHMIT, Professor of Finance at the Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management, will reveal 7 key indicators that will help you analyse your balance sheets with a critical eye, identify cash flow anomalies and make informed financial decisions. Together we will decipher these signals to avoid unpleasant surprises, even when everything seems to be in order. As a manager or director, this session will enable you to strengthen your financial skills, gain a better understanding of your financial statements and transform your balance sheet into a true strategic lever. Don't let the numbers fool you. Join us and learn how to read your financial statements like a true expert. Your business deserves informed decisions and it all starts here. Register now, there are still a few places left!