The power of employee advocacy to grow your brand influence

Formation intra-entreprise

À qui s'adresse la formation?

  • HR members
  • People in charge of communication
  • Community managers
  • Everyone willing to use social networks for their professional obligations

Niveau atteint



2,00 heure(s)

Langues(s) de prestation


Prochaine session


With the current use of social media and the erosion of some outdated marketing techniques, an increasing number of organisations, as well as marketing and communication professionals, are waking up to the potential of employees acting as digital brand ambassadors and all the benefits this can bring, including generating business, raising awareness for their brand and attracting talents.

This training deep dives into the whys and hows of launching an advocacy programme and the key steps to implement a successful one.

By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • explain the role of digital employee advocacy in digital marketing;
  • understand how to take advantage of employee's networks;
  • define a tangible business objectives for an advocacy programme and select the most appropriate social networks to achieve it;
  • implement a successful programme (social media content);
  • sustain an employee advocacy on a long term basis and its key success factors.


  • Employee advocacy principles
  • Personal branding principles
  • Employer's branding principles
  • Social media strategy
  • 5 keys to developing your digital persona
  • 5 keys to networking
  • Software

Informations supplémentaires

This training is coordinated by Pauline André and Yasmine Meziane.

Pauline, Director and Head of Marketing & Communications, joined PwC’s Marketing & Communications (M&C) team in 2013. She is experienced in developing M&C strategies and plans (at country level), project management for integrated M&C campaigns, as well as team management. She provides consultancy on all M&C dimensions for a large variety of sectors and specialises in the financial services.?

She manages complex projects with multiple stakeholders and competencies, but also supports PwC's and clients’ top priorities by translating M&C strategies into actionable M&C objectives. She provides high-level expertise with clients regarding M&C plan set up and execution, including brand management and compliance, design, content structure and messaging, event strategy, client acquisition, change management. Pauline develops tailored on/offline communications campaigns, both for external or internal audiences.

Yasmine is a creative and enthusiastic digital team manager at PwC Luxembourg. Working for several years in external and internal communication, she acquired strong skills in digital communications campaigns, project management, social media, digital marketing and coaching.

She joined PwC Luxembourg in 2014 and is now managing the digital communications team which supports marketing, brand and communications in the digital experience space, along with planned campaigns, updates and maintenance to our existing digital presence. Campaign delivery, audience building, and data quality enabling are her main priorities to provide insights into our digital activities and produce focused, engaged marketing, and the ability to track the ROI performance of our marketing activities.