Anti Money Laundering (AML) for Funds - Implementation

Betribsiwwergräifend Formatioun

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8,00 Stonn(en)

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After completing this course, participants will be able to understand:

  • The regulatory framework AML and CFT responsibilities
  • The risk-based approach
  • The due diligence process on direct investors, correspondents, third party introducers, etc.


  • Regulatory Framework
    • General overview of the AML/CTF legislation in place, i.e laws versus grand ducal regulation versus CSSF circulars and regulations
    • Other standards to take into consideration: FATF, Wolfsberg
    • The upcoming 4th AML directive in a nutshell
    • The 2006 ALFI guidelines versus the 2013 ones
  • Anti Money Laundering and Combating Terrorist Financing Responsibilities
    • Role, responsibilities and obligations of each actor, (i.e. the management company, the transfer agent, the global distributor and the distributors, the custodian bank)
    • What are the links and interactions between the different actors, who relies upon whom, key questions to ask?
    • Practical examples
  • The Risk Based Approach (RBA)
    • Definition of the RBA principles, reference to FATF and Wolfsberg guidance
    • Key criteria for an efficient RBA
    • What are the benefits?
  • The Due Diligence Process
    • Definition and application
    • A process applicable to the different actors
    • Different types of due diligence linked to different type of risks
    • Risk assessment and ongoing monitoring
  • Direct Investor Due diligence
    • Definition and application
    • Practical examples
  • Correspondent Relationship Due Diligence
    • Definition and application
    • Practical examples
  • Third Party Introducers and Outsourcing
  • Questions and answers

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