Back-Office - Payment Processing

Formation inter-entreprise

À qui s'adresse la formation?

Tout public


8,00 heure(s)

Langues(s) de prestation


Prochaine session


Training with a focus on the different categories (and framework) of means and payment orders, their initiators, their specificities, the different actors involved in the process from the initiation of the order to the final settlement of operations.In this context, the payment systems set up to process SEPA payments (SEPA credit transfer and SEPA direct debit) will be addressed; and thelegislative context governing the the role and tasks of the back office in the processing of payment transactions.

Note: The course is targeting commercial payments and does not cover the cash settlement of securities and cash transactions (money market, forex...).


  • Back-Office operations
  • Payment systems (SEPA/Target)
  • Payment products review
  • Market players
  • Legal obligations
  • Swift
  • Correspondent banking
  • e-banking solutions evolution

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