Bookkeeping for holding companies in Luxembourg

Formation intra-entreprise

À qui s'adresse la formation?

  • Members of accounting departments
  • Accountants, accounting staff and fiduciary staff
  • Internal and external auditors
  • Financial controllers
  • Financial analysts

Niveau atteint



4,00 heure(s)

Langues(s) de prestation


Prochaine session

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Holding companies make up an important part of the Luxembourg economy. They often use complex financial instruments and are involved in operations for which the accounting treatment often requires a deep analysis. The diversity of options foreseen by the accounting law allows for flexibility for companies, but also raises numerous questions.

Mastering these options and the accounting law is a major challenge for accounting professionals, especially considering the various legislative changes constantly brought into force which add a further layer of complexity to the rules previously laid out.

By the end of the training, participants will be able to:

  • identify the regulatory provisions applicable to holding companies;
  • define the practical implications of the various options offered by the law;
  • identify and record financial instruments;
  • identify the financial information requirements;
  • understand the latest developments impacting holding companies.


  • The regulatory framework
    • Common legal forms for holdings
    • Accounting framework
    • Consolidation requirements
    • Central Bank of Luxembourg reporting
  • The accounting treatment of financial instruments
    • Financial assets
    • Financial liabilities and equity
    • Specific instruments
  • The accounting treatment of certain specific transactions
    • Accounting in foreign currencies
    • Re-invoicing
    • Contractual conditions
    • Price adjustments and earn out clauses
  • The financial information requirements
    • Notes to the accounts
    • Abridged notes to the accounts
    • Disclosure of capital related rights
    • Disclosure of off balance sheet commitments
    • Disclosure of related party transactions

Certificat, diplôme

An attendance certificate will be sent to participants.

Informations supplémentaires

This training is coordinated by Damien Brunet, Director at PwC Luxembourg.

The training will be presented by experts in the accounting field.

Damien is a director in the alternative investment accounting and tax compliance departments at PricewaterhouseCoopers Luxembourg. He has over 14 years of experience in accounting and tax. He is working for several industries, holding and financing companies, operational and industrial companies and private equity structures. He is a certified chartered accountant in Luxembourg and France.

His main tasks are the preparation and review of accounting and financial reports (annual accounts, GAAP conversion, monthly reports, CBL, etc.) and tax reporting (tac accounting, tax returns, withholding taxes returns, cbcr notifications, etc.).

He is the coordinator of the Accounting technical team of PwC Luxembourg where he is responsible, among others, of the Lux GAAP training courses at PwC’s Academy. Its main tasks consist in legal monitoring, analysing the accounting impact of complex transactions/restructuring, preparing accounting memorandums/opinions, preparing flash news and handbooks and giving clients accounting training.

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