ESG for management companies

Formation inter et intra-entreprise

À qui s'adresse la formation?

  • ManCos

Niveau atteint



3,00 heure(s)

Langues(s) de prestation


Prochaine session


This training is designed to empower Management Companies (ManCos) with the knowledge, tools, regulations and insights needed to integrate ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) principles into investment decision-making, corporate strategies, and overall operations.

At the end of this training, ManCo will be equipped in the following ways:

  • Knowledgeable foundation: ManCos will possess a robust understanding of the three ESG pillars, their significance in the investment world, and the broader business ecosystem.
  • Regulatory mastery: ManCos will have a clear grasp of ESG-related regulations at both global and regional levels, understanding how to comply with mandatory reporting requirements and avoid non-compliance repercussions.
  • Practical application: ManCos will be adept at applying ESG principles to real-world scenarios, from investment decision-making and risk assessment to portfolio construction.
  • Effective communication: ManCos will have the skills to communicate their ESG strategies, initiatives, and performance to internal and external stakeholders, fostering trust and aligning interests.
  • Strategic vision: with insights into future ESG trends and potential regulatory shifts, ManCos will be poised to proactively adapt their strategies, ensuring resilience and ongoing commitment to ESG principles.
  • Enhanced reputation: armed with comprehensive ESG knowledge and strategies, ManCos will be positioned as a forward-thinking and responsible entity in the eyes of investors, clients, and the broader community.
  • Decision-making framework: ManCos will possess a refined framework for evaluating investments and corporate initiatives through an ESG lens, ensuring decisions are aligned with sustainability and ethical considerations.
  • In essence, ManCos will not only be well-informed but also adept at practical implementation, ensuring they remain at the forefront of ESG integration in their operations and decision-making processes.


  • Deep dive into ESG's three pillars: Environmental, Social, and Governance.
  • Understand global ESG trends, investor expectations, and case studies.
  • Grasp the regulatory landscape, mandatory reporting, and implications of non-compliance.
  • Integrate ESG into investment decisions, portfolio construction, and risk management.
  • Engage stakeholders, set ESG strategy, anticipate future trends, and ensure ongoing regulatory compliance

Informations supplémentaires

This training is coordinated by Claire Cherpion, Director at PwC Luxembourg.

Claire is a risk assurance director at PwC Luxembourg and focuses on sustainability reporting assurance and consulting.

With more than 17 years in auditing and advising, she supports large clients to demonstrate the robustness of their control environment and processes under the international standards such as ISAE 3000. She has developed a strong expertise in sustainability and climate reporting to advise or assess clients’ disclosures on non financial information. She is actively involved in PwC's CSRD/TCFD working groups. She is certified by Cambridge business and climate change – Towards net zero emissions.

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