IFRS for real estate

Formation inter et intra-entreprise

À qui s'adresse la formation?

  • Heads of accounting and their teams
  • Professionals of the financia sector
  • Management controllers
  • Teams of internal auditors or teams dealing with internal controls
  • Heads of consolidation
  • Tax consultants
  • Accountants

Niveau atteint



8,00 heure(s)

two half-days

Langues(s) de prestation


Prochaine session


This training programme addresses IFRS issues related to real estate vehicles, focusing on key areas associated with the accounting of such vehicles.

The training incorporates practical examples and case studies catering participants who are responsible for the accounting of real estate structures in accordance with IFRS. It is intended for individuals who possess a basic knowledge and understanding of both IFRS and real estate structures.

By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • identify and explain the various issues specific to IFRS for real estate structures;
  • understand and comply with the application of the IFRS to this industry;
  • view practical issues arising and consequences resulting from the application of IFRS;
  • understand the impacts of recent changes and future developments in IFRS for real estate structures.


  • IFRS principles for real estate
  • Introduction
  • Properties (IAS 40, IAS 16, IAS 2, IAS 21 and IAS 23) and non-current assets
  • Held for sale (IFRS 5)
  • IAS 12
  • Debt vs equity
  • Fair value measurement (IFRS 13) and related disclosures

Certificat, diplôme

An attendance certificate will be sent to participants.

Informations supplémentaires

This training will be coordinated by Ionela Poenaru, Director at PwC Luxembourg.

Ionela, Director, belongs to different PwC Global groups such as Global Accounting Consultancy Services (GACS), CMAAS (Capital Markets Accounting Advisory Services). During her 8 years of experience within the IFRS team, she has performed IFRS impact analysis in the context of various complex transaction like business combinations, group restructuring, refinancing, hedge accounting, tax structuring. She has developed tailored training solutions for large clients and has robust experience in reviewing financial statements and analysing the impact of IFRS for first-time adopters and existing preparers.

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Sur demande
Gestion financière - Comptabilité - Norme comptable