How to recruit and retain women in ICT

Formation inter-entreprise

À qui s'adresse la formation?

Open to women and men, this session is designed in priority for HR, recruiters, CIO and managers in the field of IT.
Registrations are open and as capacity is limited, we will welcome one representative per company or organisation.

Niveau atteint



0,50 jour(s)

Langues(s) de prestation


Prochaine session

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Previous exposure to recruiting and managing resources in ICT


Recruiting and retaining women in ICT is a key issue to solve the lack of talents in digital.

This session offer to discuss these HR and operational challenges with Marina Andrieu, expert in gender and tech and Anne-Claire Buleon, experienced tech recruiter.


  • Understanding why recruiting and retaining Women in ICT is a challenge for all organisations
  • Being aware of the current situation for women in ICT, the social and business context and the barriers faced.
  • Developing strategies and implementing actions to become more attractive and better employers for women in ICT.
  • Open to women and men, this session is designed in priority for HR, recruiters, CIO and managers in the field of IT.
  • Registrations are open and as capacity is limited, we will welcome one representative per company or organisation

Méthodes pédagogiques

Interactive workshop

Networking lunch included